- Developed with LibGDX game engine, Box2D physics engine and TiledMap
- All vehicle motion variables are calculated according to the laws of physics
- Brake acceleration is calculated by the formula
uk * g
, andg = 10 M/s^2
, uk depends on the type of road(asphalt, dirt and sand), weather(dry and wet(0 to 10)) and tire health(0 to 100) - Fuel is low due to fuel consumption and tire's health according to its status
- Connect to Internet to download Gradle files
- Set Working Directory on
- Run
- Here you can set some variables like
max velocity, acceleration and fuel
,first acceleration
andfuel consumption
- Select dry weather or enter a number from 0 to 10 for wet weather
(0:snow - 10:rain)
- Click OK to go
- In this Screen you see some details like
,max and current velocity
,max and current acceleration
,max and current fuel
,tire health
andmax break acceleration
- Use Arrow-Up to accelerate and Arrow-Down to break
- Use Arrow-Right to go right and Arrow-Left to go left
- Press space button to pause
- If your Speed is upper than (
MaxV / 2
) you get a warning to stop the car, if you did not stop the car, police starts to follow you, if he can catch you, you have to pay but you can run away
- In the text field enter any number or click on full button
- Select tire state from combo box
- Change the scroll to set tire health from 0 to 100
- If your Speed is upper than (
MaxV / 2
) you have to pay