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KubeRay APIServer

The KubeRay APIServer provides gRPC and HTTP APIs to manage KubeRay resources.


The KubeRay APIServer is an optional component. It provides a layer of simplified configuration for KubeRay resources. The KubeRay API server is used internally by some organizations to back user interfaces for KubeRay resource management.

The KubeRay APIServer is community-managed and is not officially endorsed by the Ray maintainers. At this time, the only officially supported methods for
managing KubeRay resources are:

- Direct management of KubeRay custom resources via kubectl, kustomize, and Kubernetes language clients.
- Helm charts.

KubeRay APIServer maintainer contacts (GitHub handles):
@Jeffwan @scarlet25151



Make sure the version of Helm is v3+. Currently, existing CI tests are based on Helm v3.4.1 and v3.9.4.

helm version

Install KubeRay Operator

  • Install a stable version via Helm repository (only supports KubeRay v0.4.0+)

      # Install the KubeRay helm repo
      helm repo add kuberay
      # Install KubeRay Operator v1.0.0.
      helm install kuberay-operator kuberay/kuberay-operator --version v1.0.0
      # Check the KubeRay Operator Pod in `default` namespace
      kubectl get pods
      # NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      # kuberay-operator-7456c6b69b-t6pt7                1/1     Running   0          172m

Install KubeRay APIServer

Please note that examples show here will only work with the nightly builds of the api-server. `v1.0.0` does not yet contain critical fixes
to the api server that would allow Kuberay Serve endpoints to work properly
  • Install a stable version via Helm repository (only supports KubeRay v0.4.0+)

    # Install the KubeRay helm repo
    helm repo add kuberay
    # Install KubeRay APIServer.
    helm install kuberay-apiserver kuberay/kuberay-apiserver 
    # Check the KubeRay APIServer Pod in `default` namespace
    kubectl get pods
    # NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    # kuberay-apiserver-857869f665-b94px               1/1     Running   0          86m
    # kuberay-operator-7456c6b69b-t6pt7                1/1     Running   0          172m
  • Install the nightly version

    # Step1: Clone KubeRay repository
    # Step2: Move to `helm-chart/kuberay-apiserver`
    cd helm-chart/kuberay-apiserver
    # Step3: Install KubeRay APIServer
    helm install kuberay-apiserver .
  • Install the current (working branch) version

    # Step1: Clone KubeRay repository
    # Step2: Change directory to the api server
    cd apiserver
    # Step3: Build docker image, create a local kind cluster and deploy api server (using helm)
    make docker-image cluster load-image deploy

List the chart

To list the deployments:

helm ls
# NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION
# kuberay-apiserver       default         1               2023-09-25 10:42:34.267328 +0300 EEST   deployed        kuberay-apiserver-1.0.0         
# kuberay-operator        default         1               2023-09-25 10:41:48.355831 +0300 EEST   deployed        kuberay-operator-1.0.0               

Uninstall the Chart

# Uninstall the `kuberay-apiserver` release
helm uninstall kuberay-apiserver

# The KubeRay APIServer Pod should be removed.
kubectl get pods
# No resources found in default namespace.


After the deployment we may use the {{baseUrl}} to access the service. See swagger support section to get the complete definitions of APIs.

  • (default) for nodeport access, use port 31888 for connection

  • for ingress access, you will need to create your own ingress

The requests parameters detail can be seen in KubeRay swagger, this document only presents basic examples.

Setup a smoke test

The following steps allow you to validate that the KubeRay API Server components and KubeRay Operator integrate in your environment.

  1. (Optional) You may use your local kind cluster or minikube

    cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name ray-test --config -
    kind: Cluster
    - role: control-plane
      image: kindest/node:v1.23.17@sha256:59c989ff8a517a93127d4a536e7014d28e235fb3529d9fba91b3951d461edfdb
        - |
          kind: InitConfiguration
              node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
      - containerPort: 30265
        hostPort: 8265
        listenAddress: ""
        protocol: tcp
      - containerPort: 30001
        hostPort: 10001
        listenAddress: ""
        protocol: tcp
      - containerPort: 8000
        hostPort: 8000
        listenAddress: ""
      - containerPort: 31888
        hostPort: 31888
        listenAddress: ""
      - containerPort: 31887 
        hostPort: 31887 
        listenAddress: ""
    - role: worker
      image: kindest/node:v1.23.17@sha256:59c989ff8a517a93127d4a536e7014d28e235fb3529d9fba91b3951d461edfdb
    - role: worker
      image: kindest/node:v1.23.17@sha256:59c989ff8a517a93127d4a536e7014d28e235fb3529d9fba91b3951d461edfdb
  2. Deploy the KubeRay APIServer within the same cluster of KubeRay operator

    helm repo add kuberay
    helm -n ray-system install kuberay-apiserver kuberay/kuberay-apiserver -n ray-system --create-namespace
  3. The APIServer expose service using NodePort by default. You can test access by your host and port, the default port is set to 31888. The examples below assume a kind (localhost) deployment. If Kuberay API server is deployed on another type of cluster, you'll need to adjust the hostname to match your environment.

    curl localhost:31888
      "code": 5,
      "message": "Not Found"
  4. You can create RayCluster, RayJobs or RayService by dialing the endpoints. The following is a simple example for creating the RayService object, follow swagger support to get the complete definitions of APIs.

    Please note that:

    • The following examples use the ray-system namespace. If not already created by using the helm install steps above, you can create it prior to executing the curl examples by running kubectl create namespace ray-system
    • The examples assume that the cluster has at least 2 CPUs available and 4 GB of free memory. You can either increase the CPUs available to your cluster (docker settings) or reduce the CPU request in the compute_templates request.
    • If you are running the service and the kuberay operator on Apple Silicon Machine, you might want to use the rayproject/ray:2.9.0-aarch64image.
    # Create a template
    curl --silent -X POST 'localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/compute_templates' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
      "name": "default-template",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "cpu": 2,
      "memory": 4
    # Create the "Fruit Stand" Ray Serve example (V1 Config spec)
    curl --silent -X POST 'localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
      "name": "test-v1",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "user",
      "serveDeploymentGraphSpec": {
        "importPath": "fruit.deployment_graph",
        "runtimeEnv": "working_dir: \"\"\n",
        "serveConfigs": [
            "deploymentName": "OrangeStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 2",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "PearStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 1",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "FruitMarket",
            "replicas": 1,
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "DAGDriver",
            "replicas": 1,
            "routePrefix": "/",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
          "volumes": []
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 0,
            "maxReplicas": 5,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
    # Get the pods running in the namespace
    kubectl get pods -n ray-system
    # NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    # kuberay-apiserver-5dd7c9b4c8-rnrcq               1/1     Running   0          17m
    # test-v1-raycluster-42vss-head-m4qj2              1/1     Running   0          91s
    # test-v1-raycluster-42vss-worker-small-wg-svr79   1/1     Running   0          90s
    # Delete the RayService in the namespace
    curl --silent -X 'DELETE' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services/test-v1' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'

Swagger Support

Kuberay API server has support for Swagger UI. The swagger page can be reached at:

  • localhost:31888/swagger-ui for local kind deployments
  • localhost:8888/swagger-ui for instances started with make run (development machine builds)
  • <host name>:31888/swagger-ui for nodeport deployments

Full definition endpoints

Compute Template

For the purpose to simplify the setting of resources, the Kuberay API server abstracts the resource of the pods template resource to the compute template. You can define the resources in the compute template and then choose the appropriate template for your head and workergroup when you are creating the objects of RayCluster, RayJobs or RayService.

The full definition of the compute template resource can be found in config.proto or the Kuberay API server swagger doc.

Create compute templates in a given namespace

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/compute_templates

Examples (please make sure that ray-system namespace exists before running this command):

  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'POST' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/compute_templates' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
          "name": "default-template",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "cpu": 2,
          "memory": 4
  • Response

      "name": "default-template",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "cpu": 2,
      "memory": 4

List all compute templates in a given namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/compute_templates


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/compute_templates' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "computeTemplates": [
          "name": "default-template",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "cpu": 2,
          "memory": 4

List all compute templates in all namespaces

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/compute_templates


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/compute_templates' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "computeTemplates": [
          "name": "default-template",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "cpu": 2,
          "memory": 4

Get compute template by name

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/compute_templates/<compute_template_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/compute_templates/default-template' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response:

      "name": "default-template",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "cpu": 2,
      "memory": 4

Delete compute template by name

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/compute_templates/<compute_template_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'DELETE' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/compute_templates/default-template' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response



Create cluster in a given namespace

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters

Examples: (please make sure that template default-template is created before running this request)

  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'POST' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/clusters' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "name": "test-cluster",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "3cpo",
      "version": "2.9.0",
      "environment": "DEV",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
          "volumes": []
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 1,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
  • Response

      "name": "test-cluster",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "3cpo",
      "version": "2.9.0",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 1,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
      "annotations": {
        "": "2023-09-25 10:48:35.766443417 +0000 UTC"
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
      "events": [
          "id": "test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
          "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "reason": "Created",
          "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
          "type": "Normal",
          "count": 1
          "id": "test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
          "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "reason": "Created",
          "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-rsbmm",
          "type": "Normal",
          "count": 1
          "id": "test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
          "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
          "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:41Z",
          "reason": "Created",
          "message": "Created worker pod ",
          "type": "Normal",
          "count": 2

List all clusters in a given namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/clusters' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "clusters": [
          "name": "test-cluster",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "3cpo",
          "version": "2.9.0",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "annotations": {
            "": "2023-09-25 10:48:35.766443417 +0000 UTC"
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
          "clusterState": "ready",
          "events": [
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-rsbmm",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:41Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 2
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-nglmx",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
          "serviceEndpoint": {
            "dashboard": "31476",
            "head": "31850",
            "metrics": "32189",
            "redis": "30736"

List all clusters in all namespaces

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/clusters


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/clusters' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "clusters": [
          "name": "test-cluster",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "3cpo",
          "version": "2.9.0",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "annotations": {
            "": "2023-09-25 10:48:35.766443417 +0000 UTC"
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
          "clusterState": "ready",
          "events": [
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-rsbmm",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:41Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 2
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-nglmx",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
          "serviceEndpoint": {
            "dashboard": "31476",
            "head": "31850",
            "metrics": "32189",
            "redis": "30736"

Get cluster by its name and namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters/<cluster_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/clusters' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "clusters": [
          "name": "test-cluster",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "3cpo",
          "version": "2.9.0",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "annotations": {
            "": "2023-09-25 10:48:35.766443417 +0000 UTC"
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
          "clusterState": "ready",
          "events": [
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd10374138",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd251e9c7c",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-rsbmm",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.178817bd2b74493f",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:40Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T08:42:41Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 2
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2b82c449",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created service test-cluster-head-svc",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c2e9cd4b8",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created head pod test-cluster-head-nglmx",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
              "id": "test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "name": "test-cluster-test-cluster.17881e9c34460442",
              "createdAt": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T10:48:35Z",
              "reason": "Created",
              "message": "Created worker pod ",
              "type": "Normal",
              "count": 1
          "serviceEndpoint": {
            "dashboard": "31476",
            "head": "31850",
            "metrics": "32189",
            "redis": "30736"

Delete cluster by its name and namespace

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters/<cluster_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'DELETE' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/clusters/test-cluster' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response:



Create ray job in a given namespace

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/jobs


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'POST' \
        'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/jobs' \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
        "name": "rayjob-test",
        "namespace": "ray-system",
        "user": "3cp0",
        "entrypoint": "python -V",
        "clusterSpec": {
          "headGroupSpec": {
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
            "serviceType": "NodePort",
            "rayStartParams": {
              "dashboard-host": ""
          "workerGroupSpec": [
              "groupName": "small-wg",
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "replicas": 1,
              "minReplicas": 0,
              "maxReplicas": 1,
              "rayStartParams": {
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
  • Response

      "name": "rayjob-test",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "3cp0",
      "entrypoint": "python -V",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": ""
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 1,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "metrics-export-port": "8080"
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:36:02Z"

The above example creates a new Ray cluster, executes a job on it and optionally deletes a cluster. As an alternative, the same command allows creating a new job on the existing cluster by referencing it in the payload.


Start from creating Ray cluster (We assume here that the template and configmap are already created).

  • Request
curl -X POST 'localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/default/clusters' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "name": "job-test",
  "namespace": "default",
  "user": "boris",
  "version": "2.9.0",
  "environment": "DEV",
  "clusterSpec": {
    "headGroupSpec": {
      "computeTemplate": "default-template",
      "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
      "serviceType": "NodePort",
      "rayStartParams": {
         "dashboard-host": "",
         "metrics-export-port": "8080"
       "volumes": [
           "name": "code-sample",
           "mountPath": "/home/ray/samples",
           "volumeType": "CONFIGMAP",
           "source": "ray-job-code-sample",
           "items": {"" : ""}
    "workerGroupSpec": [
        "groupName": "small-wg",
        "computeTemplate": "default-template",
        "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
        "replicas": 1,
        "minReplicas": 0,
        "maxReplicas": 5,
        "rayStartParams": {
           "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
        "volumes": [
            "name": "code-sample",
            "mountPath": "/home/ray/samples",
            "volumeType": "CONFIGMAP",
            "source": "ray-job-code-sample",
            "items": {"" : ""}
  • Response
      "":"2023-10-18 08:47:48.058576 +0000 UTC"

Once the cluster is created, we can create a job to run on it.

  • Request
curl -X POST 'localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/default/jobs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "name": "job-test",
  "namespace": "default",
  "user": "boris",
  "entrypoint": "python /home/ray/samples/",
  "runtimeEnv": "pip:\n  - requests==2.26.0\n  - pendulum==2.1.2\nenv_vars:\n  counter_name: test_counter\n",
  "jobSubmitter": {
    "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
    "cpu": "400m",
    "memory": "150Mi" 
  "clusterSelector": {
    "": "job-test"
  • Response
   "entrypoint":"python /home/ray/samples/",
   "runtimeEnv":"pip:\n  - requests==2.26.0\n  - pendulum==2.1.2\nenv_vars:\n  counter_name: test_counter\n",

You should also see job submitter job completed, something like:

job-test-2hhmf                   0/1     Completed   0          15s

To see job execution results run:

kubectl logs job-test-2hhmf 

And you should get something similar to:

2023-10-18 03:19:51,524 INFO -- Job submission server address: http://job-test-head-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:8265
2023-10-18 03:19:52,197 SUCC -- -------------------------------------------
2023-10-18 03:19:52,197 SUCC -- Job 'job-test-bbfqs' submitted successfully
2023-10-18 03:19:52,197 SUCC -- -------------------------------------------
2023-10-18 03:19:52,197 INFO -- Next steps
2023-10-18 03:19:52,197 INFO -- Query the logs of the job:
2023-10-18 03:19:52,198 INFO -- ray job logs job-test-bbfqs
2023-10-18 03:19:52,198 INFO -- Query the status of the job:
2023-10-18 03:19:52,198 INFO -- ray job status job-test-bbfqs
2023-10-18 03:19:52,198 INFO -- Request the job to be stopped:
2023-10-18 03:19:52,198 INFO -- ray job stop job-test-bbfqs
2023-10-18 03:19:52,203 INFO -- Tailing logs until the job exits (disable with --no-wait):
2023-10-18 03:20:00,014 INFO -- Using address set in the environment variable RAY_ADDRESS
2023-10-18 03:20:00,014 INFO -- Connecting to existing Ray cluster at address:
2023-10-18 03:20:00,032 INFO -- Connected to Ray cluster. View the dashboard at 
test_counter got 1
test_counter got 2
test_counter got 3
test_counter got 4
test_counter got 5
2023-10-18 03:20:03,304 SUCC -- ------------------------------
2023-10-18 03:20:03,304 SUCC -- Job 'job-test-bbfqs' succeeded
2023-10-18 03:20:03,304 SUCC -- ------------------------------

Additionally here, we can specify configuration for the job submitter, allowing to specify image, memory and cpu limits for it.

Make sure that you delete previous job before running this one:

kubectl delete rayjob job-test
  • Request
curl -X POST 'localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/default/jobs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "name": "job-test",
  "namespace": "default",
  "user": "boris",
  "entrypoint": "python /home/ray/samples/",
   "runtimeEnv": "pip:\n  - requests==2.26.0\n  - pendulum==2.1.2\nenv_vars:\n  counter_name: test_counter\n",
  "clusterSelector": {
    "": "job-test"
  "jobSubmitter": {
    "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310"
  • Response
   "entrypoint":"python /home/ray/samples/",
   "runtimeEnv":"pip:\n  - requests==2.26.0\n  - pendulum==2.1.2\nenv_vars:\n  counter_name: test_counter\n",

You should beble to see job execution results similar to above

List all jobs in a given namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/jobs


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/jobs' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response

      "jobs": [
          "name": "rayjob-test",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "3cp0",
          "entrypoint": "python -V",
          "jobId": "rayjob-test-drhlq",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": ""
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "metrics-export-port": "8080"
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:36:02Z",
          "jobStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
          "jobDeploymentStatus": "Running",
          "message": "Job finished successfully."

List all jobs in all namespaces

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/jobs


  • Request:

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/jobs' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' 
  • Response

      "jobs": [
          "name": "rayjob-test",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "3cp0",
          "entrypoint": "python -V",
          "jobId": "rayjob-test-drhlq",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": ""
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "metrics-export-port": "8080"
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:36:02Z",
          "jobStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
          "jobDeploymentStatus": "Running",
          "message": "Job finished successfully."

Get job by its name and namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/jobs/<job_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/jobs/rayjob-test' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response:

      "name": "rayjob-test",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "3cp0",
      "entrypoint": "python -V",
      "jobId": "rayjob-test-drhlq",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": ""
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 1,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "metrics-export-port": "8080"
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:36:02Z",
      "jobStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
      "jobDeploymentStatus": "Running",
      "message": "Job finished successfully."

Delete job by its name and namespace

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/jobs/<job_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'DELETE' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/jobs/rayjob-test' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response



Create ray service in a given namespace

POST {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/services


  • Request (V1)

    curl --silent -X 'POST' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "name": "test-v1",
        "namespace": "ray-system",
        "user": "user",
        "serveDeploymentGraphSpec": {
          "importPath": "fruit.deployment_graph",
          "runtimeEnv": "working_dir: \"\"\n",
          "serveConfigs": [
              "deploymentName": "OrangeStand",
              "replicas": 1,
              "userConfig": "price: 2",
              "actorOptions": {
                "cpusPerActor": 0.1
              "deploymentName": "PearStand",
              "replicas": 1,
              "userConfig": "price: 1",
              "actorOptions": {
                "cpusPerActor": 0.1
              "deploymentName": "FruitMarket",
              "replicas": 1,
              "actorOptions": {
                "cpusPerActor": 0.1
              "deploymentName": "DAGDriver",
              "replicas": 1,
              "routePrefix": "/",
              "actorOptions": {
                "cpusPerActor": 0.1
        "clusterSpec": {
          "headGroupSpec": {
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "serviceType": "NodePort",
            "rayStartParams": {
              "dashboard-host": "",
              "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "volumes": []
          "workerGroupSpec": [
              "groupName": "small-wg",
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
              "replicas": 1,
              "minReplicas": 0,
              "maxReplicas": 5,
              "rayStartParams": {
                "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
  • Response (V1)

      "name": "test-v1",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "user",
      "serveDeploymentGraphSpec": {
        "importPath": "fruit.deployment_graph",
        "runtimeEnv": "working_dir: \"\"\n",
        "serveConfigs": [
            "deploymentName": "OrangeStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 2",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "PearStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 1",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "FruitMarket",
            "replicas": 1,
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "DAGDriver",
            "replicas": 1,
            "routePrefix": "/",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 5,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
      "rayServiceStatus": {},
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:11Z",
      "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"
  • Request (V2)

    curl --silent -X 'POST' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '
      "name": "test-v2",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "user",
      "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
          "volumes": []
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 0,
            "maxReplicas": 5,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
  • Response (V2)

      "name": "test-v2",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "user",
      "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 5,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
      "rayServiceStatus": {},
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:41Z",
      "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"

List all services in a given namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/services


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response:

      "services": [
          "name": "test-v2",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "user",
          "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 5,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "rayServiceStatus": {
            "rayServiceEvents": [
                "id": "test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "name": "test-v2-test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:46:15Z",
                "reason": "ServiceUnhealthy",
                "message": "The service is in an unhealthy state. Controller will perform a round of actions in 10s.",
                "type": "Normal",
                "count": 11
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:41Z",
          "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"
          "name": "test-v2",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "user",
          "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 5,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "rayServiceStatus": {
            "rayServiceEvents": [
                "id": "test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "name": "test-v2-test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:46:15Z",
                "reason": "ServiceUnhealthy",
                "message": "The service is in an unhealthy state. Controller will perform a round of actions in 10s.",
                "type": "Normal",
                "count": 11
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:41Z",
          "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"

List all services in all namespaces

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/services


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/services' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
  • Response:

      "services": [
          "name": "test-v2",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "user",
          "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "computeTemplate": "default-template",
              "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "computeTemplate": "default-template",
                "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 5,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "rayServiceStatus": {
            "rayServiceEvents": [
                "id": "test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "name": "test-v2-test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:47:55Z",
                "reason": "ServiceUnhealthy",
                "message": "The service is in an unhealthy state. Controller will perform a round of actions in 10s.",
                "type": "Normal",
                "count": 21
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:41Z",
          "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"
          "name": "test-v2",
          "namespace": "ray-system",
          "user": "user",
          "serveConfigV2": "applications:\n  - name: fruit_app\n    import_path: fruit.deployment_graph\n    route_prefix: /fruit\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: MangoStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: OrangeStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 2\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: PearStand\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          price: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: FruitMarket\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n  - name: math_app\n    import_path: conditional_dag.serve_dag\n    route_prefix: /calc\n    runtime_env:\n      working_dir: \"\"\n    deployments:\n      - name: Adder\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          increment: 3\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Multiplier\n        num_replicas: 1\n        user_config:\n          factor: 5\n        ray_actor_options:\n          num_cpus: 0.1\n      - name: Router\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: create_order\n        num_replicas: 1\n      - name: DAGDriver\n        num_replicas: 1\n",
          "clusterSpec": {
            "headGroupSpec": {
              "serviceType": "NodePort",
              "rayStartParams": {
                "dashboard-host": "",
                "metrics-export-port": "8080"
            "workerGroupSpec": [
                "groupName": "small-wg",
                "replicas": 1,
                "minReplicas": 5,
                "maxReplicas": 1,
                "rayStartParams": {
                  "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
          "rayServiceStatus": {
            "rayServiceEvents": [
                "id": "test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "name": "test-v2-test-v2.178821ac4b15c743",
                "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:44:43Z",
                "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:47:55Z",
                "reason": "ServiceUnhealthy",
                "message": "The service is in an unhealthy state. Controller will perform a round of actions in 10s.",
                "type": "Normal",
                "count": 21
          "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:44:41Z",
          "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"

Get service by its name and namespace

GET {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/services/<service_name>


  • Request:

    curl --silent -X 'GET' \
      'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services/test-v1' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'  
  • Response:

      "name": "test-v1",
      "namespace": "ray-system",
      "user": "user",
      "serveDeploymentGraphSpec": {
        "importPath": "fruit.deployment_graph",
        "runtimeEnv": "working_dir: \"\"\n",
        "serveConfigs": [
            "deploymentName": "OrangeStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 2",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "PearStand",
            "replicas": 1,
            "userConfig": "price: 1",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "FruitMarket",
            "replicas": 1,
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
            "deploymentName": "DAGDriver",
            "replicas": 1,
            "routePrefix": "/",
            "actorOptions": {
              "cpusPerActor": 0.1
      "clusterSpec": {
        "headGroupSpec": {
          "computeTemplate": "default-template",
          "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
          "serviceType": "NodePort",
          "rayStartParams": {
            "dashboard-host": "",
            "metrics-export-port": "8080"
        "workerGroupSpec": [
            "groupName": "small-wg",
            "computeTemplate": "default-template",
            "image": "rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310",
            "replicas": 1,
            "minReplicas": 5,
            "maxReplicas": 1,
            "rayStartParams": {
              "node-ip-address": "$MY_POD_IP"
      "rayServiceStatus": {
        "rayServiceEvents": [
            "id": "test-v1.1788218987842e1a",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1.1788218987842e1a",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:15Z",
            "reason": "ServiceUnhealthy",
            "message": "The service is in an unhealthy state. Controller will perform a round of actions in 10s.",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 2
            "id": "test-v1.1788218a0a86434b",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1.1788218a0a86434b",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:16Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:16Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:24Z",
            "reason": "WaitForServeDeploymentReady",
            "message": "Fail to create / update Serve deployments. If you observe this error consistently, please check \"Issue 5: Fail to create / update Serve applications.\" in for more details. err: Put \"http://test-v1-raycluster-7grg7-head-svc.ray-system.svc.cluster.local:52365/api/serve/deployments/\": dial tcp connect: connection refused",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 6
            "id": "test-v1.1788218cf7437d6f",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1.1788218cf7437d6f",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:29Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:29Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:29Z",
            "reason": "SubmittedServeDeployment",
            "message": "Controller sent API request to update Serve deployments on cluster test-v1-raycluster-7grg7",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 1
            "id": "test-v1.1788218cf9823bdf",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1.1788218cf9823bdf",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:29Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:29Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:35Z",
            "reason": "ServiceNotReady",
            "message": "The service is not ready yet. Controller will perform a round of actions in 2s.",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 4
            "id": "test-v1.1788218ee2f173bc",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1.1788218ee2f173bc",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:37Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:37Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:47:16Z",
            "reason": "Running",
            "message": "The Serve applicaton is now running and healthy.",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 140
            "id": "test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.1788218976cd5268",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.1788218976cd5268",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:13Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:13Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:13Z",
            "reason": "Created",
            "message": "Created service test-v1-raycluster-7grg7-head-svc",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 1
            "id": "test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.178821897b8cddee",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.178821897b8cddee",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "reason": "Created",
            "message": "Created head pod test-v1-raycluster-7grg7-head-jfkq5",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 1
            "id": "test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.178821898168eedb",
            "name": "test-v1-test-v1-raycluster-7grg7.178821898168eedb",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "firstTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "lastTimestamp": "2023-09-25T11:42:14Z",
            "reason": "Created",
            "message": "Created worker pod ",
            "type": "Normal",
            "count": 1
        "rayClusterName": "test-v1-raycluster-7grg7",
        "serveApplicationStatus": [
            "name": "default",
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "serveDeploymentStatus": [
                "deploymentName": "DAGDriver",
                "status": "HEALTHY"
                "deploymentName": "FruitMarket",
                "status": "HEALTHY"
                "deploymentName": "MangoStand",
                "status": "HEALTHY"
                "deploymentName": "OrangeStand",
                "status": "HEALTHY"
                "deploymentName": "PearStand",
                "status": "HEALTHY"
      "createdAt": "2023-09-25T11:42:11Z",
      "deleteAt": "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"

Delete service by its name and namespace

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/apis/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/services/<service_name>


  • Request

    curl --silent -X 'DELETE' \
    'http://localhost:31888/apis/v1/namespaces/ray-system/services/test-v1' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'  
  • Response
