This is Blaine's neovim init.vim file. It is current as of September 5, 2021. It is being used with neovim version 0.6.
The Vim-Plug plugin manager is used.
Update the plugins with the command :PlugUpdate
The init.vim calls some plugins that depend on Lua, which became incorporated in neovim 0.5, so these plugins need to be commented out if using neovim < 0.5. The init.vim file has been customized to enable the editing of LaTeX files and code files from about a dozen programming languages. It also has plugins for live previews of the PDF file generated from the LaTeX tex file. The init.vim file also invokes LSP servers for autocompletion.
I used the following script on September 2, 2021, to install the nightly-build neovim 0.6 binary.
# Change the above to your shell.
# This script enables the quick install of the nighlty release of neovim.
# source:
# Note: you may need to make a ~/dev/nvim-osx64 directory first.
echo "Download..."
cd ~/Downloads
rm -vrf nvim-macos.tar.gz
curl -# -L -O
tar zxpvf nvim-macos.tar.gz
cd ~/dev/nvim-osx64
echo "Installing..."
rm -vrf ~/dev/nvim-osx64/bin
rm -vrf ~/dev/nvim-osx64/share
rm -vrf ~/dev/nvim-osx64/lib
rm -vrf ~/dev/nvim-osx64/libs
mv ~/Downloads/nvim-osx64/bin .
mv ~/Downloads/nvim-osx64/share .
mv ~/Downloads/nvim-osx64/lib .
mv ~/Downloads/nvim-osx64/libs .
echo "Removing downloaded dir..."
rmdir ~/Downloads/nvim-osx64
rm -vrf ~/Downloads/nvim-macos.tar.gz
echo "The End!"
- Telescope fuzzy finder
- gitsigns.nvim
- indent-blankline.nvim
- tree-sitter
- Neovim plugin to open multiple files in one buffer
- Modern Vim: Craft Your Development Environment with Vim 8 and Neovim (2018) by Neil Drew
Version | Changes | Date |
Version 0.2 | Added badges, funding, and update table. | 2024 May 24 |
- NIH: R01 CA242845
- NIH: R01 AI088011
- NIH: P30 CA225520 (PI: R. Mannel)
- NIH: P20 GM103640 and P30 GM145423 (PI: A. West)