PyMOL Python snippet library to edit live Jupyter notebook cells with Visual Studio Code using the GhostText web browser extension and the GhostText-for-VSCode) plugin for Visual Studio Code.
Some snippets depend on some pymolshortcuts. Add the file to your working directory.
- jupyterlabpymolpysnips PyMOL Python snippets for use in JupyterLab with the jupyterlab-snippets extension.
- jupyternbclassicpymolpysnipsplus
- taggedpymolpysnips
- taggedpymolpysnipspymolpysnipsplus
- jupyter-vsc-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-st3-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-emacs-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-ultisnips-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-snipmate-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-neosnippets-pymolpysnips
- jupyter-atom-pymolpysnips
Version | Changes | Date |
Version 0.2 | Added badges funding, and update table | 2024 May 17 |
- NIH: R01 CA242845, R01 AI088011
- NIH: P30 CA225520 (PI: R. Mannel); P20GM103640 and P30GM145423 (PI: A. West)