We welcome new contributors! Here is how to participate to the WarpX development.
The WarpX project uses git for version control. If you are new to git, you can follow one of these tutorials:
The basic WarpX workflow is:
- fork the main repo (or update it if you already created it);
- Implement your changes and push them on a new branch
on your fork; - Create a Pull Request from branch
on your fork to branchdev
on the main WarpX repo.
First, let us setup your local git repo. Make your own fork of the main
) WarpX repo:
on the WarpX Github page, press the
fork button. Then, you can execute:
# These 4 first lines are the same as for a standard WarpX install
mkdir warpx_directory
cd warpx_directory
git clone --branch master https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/picsar.git
git clone --branch development https://github.com/AMReX-Codes/amrex.git
# Clone your fork on your local computer. You can get this address on your fork's Github page.
git clone --branch dev https://github.com/<myGithubUsername>/ECP-WarpX/WarpX.git
cd warpx
# Keep track of the main WarpX repo, to remain up-to-date.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/ECP-WarpX/WarpX.git
Now you are free to play with your fork (for additional information, you can visit the Github fork help page).
Note: you do not have to re-do the setup above every time. Instead, in the future, you need to update the
branch on your fork withgit checkout dev git pull upstream dev
Make sure you are on WarpX dev
branch with
git checkout dev
in the WarpX directory.
Create a branch <branch_name>
(the branch name should reflect the piece
of code you want to add, like fix_spectral_solver
) with
git checkout -b <branch_name>
and do the coding you want. It is probably a good time to look at the AMReX documentation and at the AMReX Doxygen reference. Add the files you work on to the git staging area with
git add <file_I_created> <and_file_I_modified>
Periodically commit your changes with
git commit -m "This is a 50-char description to explain my work"
The commit message (between quotation marks) is super important in order to follow the developments and identify bugs.
For the moment, commits are on your local repo only. You can push them to your fork with
git push -u origin <branch_name>
If you want to synchronize your branch with the dev
branch (this is useful
when the dev
branch is being modified while you are working on
), you can use
git pull upstream dev
and fix any conflict that may occur.
Once your new feature is ready, you can check that you did not break anything. WarpX has automated tests running for each Pull Request. For easier debugging, it can be convenient to run the tests on your local machine with
from WarpX root folder. The tests can be influenced by environment variables:
,export WARPX_TEST_DIM=2
in order to select only the tests that correspond to this dimensionalityexport WARPX_TEST_ARCH=CPU
in order to run the tests on CPU or GPU respectively.export WARPX_TEST_COMMIT=...
in order to test a specific commit.
A Pull Request (PR) is the way to efficiently visualize the changes you made
and to propose your new feature/improvement/fix to the WarpX project.
Right after you push changes, a banner should appear on the Github page of
your fork, with your <branch_name>
- Click on the
compare & pull request
button to prepare your PR. - Change the PR destination from
(make sure that the PR is from<yourFork>/<branch_name>
). - It is time to communicate your changes: write a title and a description for
your PR. People who review your PR are happy to know
- what feature/fix you propose, and why
- how you made it (created a new class than inherits from...)
- and anything relevant to your PR (performance tests, images, etc.)
- Press
Create pull request
. Now you can navigate through your PR, which highlights the changes you made.
Pull Requests DO NOT have to be large: it is much easier to review small targeted PRs than a huge chunk of code, so feel free to split your work in small pieces.
Even before your work is ready to merge, it can be convenient to create a PR
(so you can use Github tools to visualize your changes). In this case, please
put the [WIP]
tag (for Work In Progress) at the beginning of the PR title.
A new feature is great, a working new feature is even better! Please test your code and add your test to the automated test suite. It's the way to protect your work from adventurous developers. There are three steps to follow to add a new automated test (illustrated here for PML boundary conditions):
- An input file for your test, in folder
. For the PML test, the input file is at Examples/Tests/PML/inputs2d. You can also re-use an existing input file (even better!) and pass specific parameters at runtime (see below). - A Python script that reads simulation output and tests correctness versus
theory or calibrated results. For the PML test, see
It typically ends with Python statement
assert( error<0.01 )
. - Add an entry to Regression/WarpX-tests.ini, so that a WarpX simulation runs your test in the continuous integration process on Travis CI, and the Python script is executed to assess the correctness. For the PML test, the entry is
buildDir = .
inputFile = Examples/Tests/PML/inputs2d
runtime_params = warpx.do_dynamic_scheduling=0 algo.maxwell_fdtd_solver=yee
dim = 2
addToCompileString =
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 2
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 2
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
analysisRoutine = Examples/Tests/PML/analysis_pml_yee.py
If you re-use an existing input file, you can add arguments to
, like
runtime_params = amr.max_level=1 amr.n_cell=32 512 max_step=100 plasma_e.zmin=-200.e-6
Now, let users know about your new feature by adding it to the
WarpX documentation. Our documentation uses
Sphinx, and it is
located in Docs/
. For instance, if you introduce a new runtime parameter in
the input file, you can add it to
If Sphinx is installed on your computer, you should be able to generate the
html documentation with
make html
in Docs/
. Then open Docs/build/html/index.html
with your favorite web browser and look
for your changes.
Once your code is ready with documentation and automated test, congratulations! you can create the PR (or remove the [WIP] tag if you already created it). Reviewers will interact with you if they have comments/questions.
- For indentation, WarpX uses four spaces (no tabs)
- The number of characters per line should be <80
- To define a function , for e.g., myfunction() use a space between the name of the function and the paranthesis - myfunction (). To call the function, the space is not required, i.e., just use myfunction(). The reason this is beneficial is that when we do a 'git grep ' to search for myfunction (), we can clearly see the locations where myfunction () is defined and where myfunction() is called.
- Also, using 'git grep "myfunction ()"' searches for files only in the git repo, which is more efficient compared to the 'grep "myfunction ()"' command that searches through all the files in a directory, including plotfiles for example.
- It is recommended that style changes are not included in the PR where new code is added. This is to avoid any errors that may be introduced in a PR just to do style change.
- Some text editors automatically modify the files you open (e.g., to remove trailing spaces). Please turn this feature off as it causes many changes and makes pull requests harder to review.
directives should be ordered from more specific to more general, i.e.,"module header"
,"WarpX header"
,<close library headers>
(AMReX, PICSAR),<other third party headers>
),<stdlib headers>
. See PR #331, or LLVM or include-what-you-use pages.- WarpX uses
convention for file names and class names, rather thansnake_case
. - The names of all member variables should be prefixed with
. This is particularly useful to avoid capturing member variables by value in a lambda function, which causes the whole object to be copied to GPU when running on a GPU-accelerated architecture. This convention should be used for all new piece of code, and it should be applied progressively to old code.