├── cecaptioncheckpoints # checkpoints for a contrastive learning model trained on the cross-entropy loss
├── kl2captioncheckpoints # checkpoints for a contrastive learning model trained on the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence loss
| ├── best_0.81.pth # best-performing model checkpoint with an accuracy of 0.81
├── training # training folder with subdirectories labeled from 1 to 32, representing different micro-gesture classes
| ├── 1 # directory containing class 1 images
| ├── 2 # directory containing class 2 images
| ... ...
| ├── 31 # directory containing class 31 images
| ├── 32 # directory containing class 32 images
| ├── train.xlsx # excel file containing training metadata [filepaths to the images, class (number), video id (video from which image was extracted), frame id and caption (class as text)]
| ├── validsubset.csv # subset of train.xlsx made for illustrative purposes of the testing procedures
├── Clip_label.csv # file containing labels/class names for the data
├── environment.yaml # yaml file containing information about the environment
├── README.md # markdown file containing information about the project, how to set it up, and how to use it
├── report.pdf # project report providing explanations on the implementation
├── requirements.txt # file listing all the python dependencies required for this project
├── test.py # python script used for testing the model
├── test_script.sh # shell script used to execute the `test.py` script
├── train_valid.py # python script used for training and validating the model
├── train_valid_script.sh # shell script used to execute the `train_valid.py` script
└── visualtextcontrastive.png # framework of the model
Python 3.10.9
- opencv-contrib-python
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- numpy
- moviepy
- glob2
- torch
- torchvision
- transformers
- tdqm
- decord
- pytorchvideo
- openpyxl
- albumentations
- timm
- matplotlib
- tensorboard
The dataset of images has been extracted from the [iMiGUE] (https://github.com/linuxsino/iMiGUE) video dataset and comprises 32 distinct classes of micro gestures.
Our method is based on OpenAI's model, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training [(CLIP)] (https://github.com/openai/CLIP). Our implementation closely follows [this] (https://github.com/moein-shariatnia/OpenAI-CLIP) implementation with modifications to the loss function and a few parameters. For more detailed information see report.pdf
The performance on the validation test is as follows:
top-1 Acc(%) | top-5 Acc(%) |
81.13% | 94.33% |
To test the trained models, you can run:
# test
## imagepathscsv -> Path to the CSV file containing the test images file paths.
## columnname -> Name of the column in the CSV file containing the paths to the test images.
python test.py --imagepathscsv training/validsubset.csv --columnname Path
Notably, Clip_label.csv
should be in the same directory as test.py
Our code is based on the Pytorch implementation of CLIP.