This challenge will be graded as if it were production ready code. Please make sure the work is your own. If any part of it is not, make sure it is properly cited.
Develop a Swift App, to download, save, and display contents of a list.
Expected behavior:
Upon launching the app, it should query this link , which will provide you the necessary content to populate the app in the JSON format. Programmatically (no storyboards) create the user interface that allows the user to:
- see all JSON fields in a clean and concise format
- sort and display items based on their “type”
- select an item to see it full screen.
- store data in device, and to view while offline
Bonus You don't necessarily need to do the following, but will be an add on to your project.
- Using Realm for local storage
- Unit Testing / UI Testing
- Universal interface support (iPhone & iPad)
There are no design requirements for this application, simply follow the iOS Human Interface Guidelines, however we strongly encourage you to add bells and whistles to set yourself apart and show off some of your skills. Use of the following Cocoapods is required:
, but you may use additional pods if desired.
The code will be evaluated based on:
- Performance
- Code structure
- Object Oriented Programing
- Commenting
- iOS best practices
You should provide a URL to a Git repository of yours when you complete. If it is a private repo on GitHub, you can add MobileAxxess account to your collaborators when complete.