We introduce the DensePose-Posetrack dataset, which consists of videos of multiple persons containing rapid motions, occlusions and scale variations which leads to a very challenging correspondence task. DensePose-PoseTrack will be a part of the ECCV 2018 - POSETRACK CHALLENGE.
Please first follow the INSTALL.md and GETTING_STARTED.md, to install and run the DensePose inference and training. Herein, we provide instructions to download and evaluate on the DensePose-PoseTrack dataset.
To download the images of the original PoseTrack dataset, please refer to the posetrack webpage: https://posetrack.net. Note that we have used the keypoints provided in the PoseTrack dataset to form the DensePose-PoseTrack dataset. Our dense correspondence annotations are distributed under NonCommercial Creative Commons license.
To downoad, run:
cd $DENSEPOSE/PoseTrack
bash get_DensePose_PoseTrack.sh
This script downloads *.json files that contains all annotations along with files that only contains annotations for images with densepose annotations. The latter is used during evaluation.
Visualization of the DensePose-PoseTrack annotations are demonstrated in the DensePose-PoseTrack-Visualize.ipynb:
Create a symlink for the PoseTrack dataset in your datasets/data
ln -s /path/to/posetrack $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/posetrack
Create symlinks for the DensePose-PoseTrack annotations
ln -s $DENSEPOSE/PoseTrack/DensePose_PoseTrack/densepose_only_posetrack_train2017.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/posetrack/
ln -s $DENSEPOSE/PoseTrack/DensePose_PoseTrack/densepose_only_posetrack_val2017.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/posetrack/
ln -s $DENSEPOSE/PoseTrack/DensePose_PoseTrack/densepose_posetrack_test2017.json $DENSEPOSE/detectron/datasets/data/posetrack/
Your local PoseTrack dataset copy at /path/to/posetrack
should have the following directory structure:
|_ images
| |_ <im-folder-1>
| |_ ...
| |_ <im-folder-N>.
|_ densepose_only_posetrack_train2017.json
|_ densepose_only_posetrack_val2017.json
|_ densepose_posetrack_test2017.json
To demonstrate the evaluation, we use a DensePose-RCNN with a ResNet-50 trunk that is trained on the DensePose-COCO dataset.
python2 tools/test_net.py \
--cfg PoseTrack/configs/DensePose_ResNet50_FPN_s1x-e2e.yaml \
TEST.WEIGHTS https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/densepose/DensePose_ResNet50_FPN_s1x-e2e.pkl \
The evaluation of this baseline network should yield Bounding Box AP: 0.4438
and DensePose AP: 0.2698