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NNabla Dockers

Image Tags Hosted on DockerHub

The available tags are as following.

Tag Python Dockerfile location
latest 3.5 py3/

A docker image can be executed as below.

docker run <options> nnabla/nnabla:<tag> <command>

Tutorial image

This image contains the latest NNabla and its tutorials on Python3. The following command runs a jupyter server listening 8888 on the host OS.

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 nnabla/nnabla:tutorial

You can connect the server with your browser by accessing http://<Host OS address>:8888. The login password is nnabla.

After logging in, the page show you a list of tutorials as Jupyter notebook .ipynb files.

Android: Dockerfile

Dockerfile for building NNabla using Android NDK is present at docker/development/ in the NNabla repository. Use the following command to build the Docker image.
The following must be build at the root directory of NNabla.

docker build -t nnabla-android --build-arg http_proxy=http://${proxy}:${port}/ --build-arg https_proxy=http://${proxy}:${port}/ -f docker/development/ ../../

The above build will create docker image with tag nnabla-android:latest.

Use following command to run the docker.

docker run -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w$(pwd) -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e HOME=/tmp nnabla-android:latest ./build-tools/android/ -p=android-26 -a=arm64 -n=/usr/local/src/android-ndk -e=arm64-v8a


Use the following command if you are behind the proxy.

docker run -ehttp_proxy=${http_proxy} -ehttps_proxy=${https_proxy} -eftp_proxy=${ftp_proxy} -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w$(pwd) -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e HOME=/tmp nnabla-android:latest ./build-tools/android/ -p=android-26 -a=arm64 -n=/usr/local/src/android-ndk -e=arm64-v8a

Please refer here for detailed instruction on building NNabla using Android NDK.