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Temporal Shift Module (TSM) is a popular model that attracts more attention at present. The method of moving through channels greatly improves the utilization ability of the model for video time information without increasing any additional number of parameters and calculation amount. Moreover, due to its lightweight and efficient characteristics, it is very suitable for industrial landing.
The model of this code is TSM network structure based on single path RGB image, Backbone. ResNet-50 structure.
Please refer to the ICCV 2019 paper for details TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding
Please refer to K400 data download and preparation data preparation
Please refer to UCF101 data download and preparation data preparation
The parameters of the model are initialized by loading the weights of Resnet50 trained on ImageNet1000. You can download it by yourself Pretrained . Then, you need unzip it and add its path to the filed of
,which is in theconfigs/tsm.yaml
,of course, you can also use the parameter-o MODEL.HEAD.pretrained=""
,details can be found in conifg -
Download the published model model, then, you can use '--weights' to specify the weight path for finetune and other development
K400 video training
K400 frames training
UCF101 video training
UCF101 frames training
data preparation: The MP4
data from the Kinetics 400 dataset were read in the model,Segment 'seg_num' is extracted from each piece of data, and 1 frame of image is extracted from each piece of data. After random enhancement of each frame of image, the image is scaled to 'target_size'.
training strategies:
- Momentum optimization algorithm is used for training, and Momentum =0.9
- L2_decay weight is set to be 1e-4
- The learning rate decays by a factor of 10 in the 1/3 and 2/3 of the total epochs
Parameters Initialization
python3 main.py --test --weights=""
- Download the published model model , then , you need to set the
for model testing
When the following parameters, the accuracy is evaluated as follows in the Validation dataset of Kinetics400:
seg_num | target_size | Top-1 |
8 | 224 | 0.70 |
python3 predict.py --test --weights=
- TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding, Ji Lin, Chuang Gan, Song Han