A program that allow the creation of 'choose your own adventure' stories using XML
Program will prompt user to open a .xml file to run the story from.
XML Story Syntax:
<start></start> The entry point for the story [manditory].
<title></title> The title of the story [manditory].
<settings></settings> The settings for the story [not manditory] (see Settings).
<synopsis></synopsis> A brief description of the story [not manditory].
<ln/> Will print a line break when printing text (may NOT be used in selections).
<br/> Will pause the output and prompt the user to press enter (may NOT be used in selections).
Tags nested one layer within another are treated as selections.
When a selection is picked, control is passed to the coresponding
global tag with the same name as the selection.
A tag with no selections is treated as an exit point for the program
and, as such, the program will end once the tag's text is printed.
Hello World!
<selection_1>This is displayed if selection 1 is picked</selection_1>
<selection_2>This is displayed if selection 2 is picked</selection_2>
<text_delay>'int'</text_delay> Allows for cascading printing of the text if value is not 0.
<display_synopsis>'bool'</display_synopsis> Should display the contents of the <synopsis> tag when program starts.
<synopsis_text_delay>'bool'</synopsis_text_delay> Should print synopsis using cascading printing. (<text_delay> must not be 0).