Compiling tests on ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 with ros installed all passed. You just execute the commands one by one.
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
git clone
cd ego-planner
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ego_planner simple_run.launch
If your link to github is slow, I recommend you to try the gitee repository They synchronize automatically.
The framework of this repository is based on Fast-Planner by Zhou Boyu who achieves impressive proformance on quaorotor local planning.
The L-BFGS solver we use is modified by from xxx. It is a C++ head-only single file, which is lightweight and easy to use.
The map generated in simulation is from mockamap by Willim Wu.
The hardware architecture is based on an open source implemation from Teach-Repeat-Replan.
EGO-Planner: An ESDF-free Gradient-based Local Planner for Quadrotors
EGO-Planner is a lightweight gradient-based local planner without ESDF construction, which significantly reduces computation time (around 1ms) compared to some state-of-the-art methods .
Video Links: YouTube, bilibili (for Mainland China)
Requirements: ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 or 20.04 with ros-desktop-full installation.
Step 1: install Armadillo, which is required by uav_simulator.
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
Step 2: clone the code from github or gitee (for Mainland China). This two repositories synchronize automaticly.
From github
git clone
Or from gitee
git clone
Step 3: compile.
cd ego-planner
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Step 4: run.
In a terminal at the ego-planner folder, open the rviz for visuallization and interactions
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ego-planner rviz.launch
In another terminal at the same folder, run the simulation and planner by
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ego-planner run_in_sim.launch
Then you can follow the gif below to select you targets.
We recommend using vscode, the project file has been included in the code you cloned, which is the .vscode folder. This folder is hidden by default.
First, re-compile the code using command
It will export a compile commands file, which can help vscode to determine the code architecture.
Then launch vscode and select the ego-planner folder to open.
code ~/<......>/ego-planner/
Press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile the code in vscode. This command is defined in .vscode/tasks.json.
Then close and restart vscode, you will see the vscode has already known the code architecture and can perform auto completion & jump.
Packages in this repo, local_sensing have GPU, CPU two different versions. By default, they are in CPU version for better compatibility. By changing
set(ENABLE_CUDA false)
in the CMakeList.txt in local_sensing packages, to
set(ENABLE_CUDA true)
CUDA will be turned-on to generate depth images as a real depth camera does.
Please remember to also change the 'arch' and 'code' flags in the line of
-gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61;
in 'CMakeList', if you encounter compiling error due to different Nvidia graphics card you use. You can check the right code here.
Don't forget to re-compile the code!
local_sensing is the simulated sensors. If ENABLE_CUDA
true, it mimics the depth measured by stereo cameras and renders a depth image by GPU. If ENABLE_CUDA
false, it will publish pointclouds with no ray-casting. Our local mapping module automatically selects whether depth images or pointclouds as its input.
For installation of CUDA, please go to CUDA ToolKit
The computation time of our planner is too short to let the OS to increase CPU frequency, which makes the computation time tend to be longer and unstable.
Therefore, we recommend that you manually set the CPU frequency to the maximum. Install this tool by
sudo apt install cpufrequtils
Then you can set the CPU frequency to the maximum allowed by
sudo cpufreq-set -g performance
More information can be found in
Note that CPU frequency may still decrease due to high temperature in high load.
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.
We are still working on extending the proposed system and improving code reliability.
For any technical issues, please contact Xin Zhou ( or Fei GAO (
For commercial inquiries, please contact Fei GAO (