As a MERN Stack Developer, I specialize in building user-centric web applications with a focus on performance and scalability. With a strong foundation in JavaScript and experience with React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, I have recently expanded my expertise to include Next.js and TypeScript.
Over the past few years, I've refined my ability to develop clean, maintainable code that adapts to the needs of both users and teams. I’m always eager to improve my skills and explore new technologies, and I’d be grateful for any support or guidance along this journey as I continue to grow and refine my craft.
🔹 Technical Expertise:
Front-End : TypeScript, Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS
Back-End : Node.js, Express.js, Strapi, Prisma
Here are some things you should know about me:
- I'm constantly learning and improving my skills in web development.
- I always strive to deliver high-quality code and user experiences.
- Expertise in developing User Interface and RESTful APIs.
- Proficient in creating dynamic, responsive, and user-centric Front-End applications.
- I create web applications with a focus on user experience and performance.
✔ My Latest Projects and Experiences
📈 Let’s Connect : I’m always eager to discuss new opportunities, collaborate on challenging projects, and share knowledge about technology and development. Feel free to contact me if you have questions, want to collaborate, or chat about web development.
🛡 License : All my open-source projects are released under the MIT License . You are free to use, modify, and distribute my work as long as you include proper attribution.