You can find PDF & images cheatsheet. Feel free to download and use it.
You can also follow docs below:
Everything listed here is about GitHub Markdown.
I've also written some articles about Markdown in general with more features.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to format plain text documents.
Write docs for your GitHub project, edit your GitHub profile README etc. You fill find it all here.
Let's dive into it.
- Paragraph
- Headings
- Emphasis
- Blockquote
- Images
- Links
- Code
- Lists
- Tables
- Task List
- Footnote
- Heading ID
- Horizontal Line
By writing regular text you are basically writing a paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
There are 6 heading variants. The number of "#" symbols, followed by text, indicates the importance of the heading.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Modifying text is so neat and easy. You can make your text bold, italic and strikethrough.
Using two asterisks **this text is bold**.
Two underscores __work as well__.
Let's make it *italic now*.
You guessed it, _one underscore is also enough_.
Can we combine **_both of that_?** Absolutely.
What if I want to ~~strikethrough~~?
Using two asterisks this text is bold.
Two underscores work as well.
Let's make it italic now.
You guessed it, one underscore is also enough.
Can we combine both of that? Absolutely.
What if I want to strikethrough?
Want to emphasise importance of the text? Say no more.
> This is a blockquote.
> Want to write on a new line with space between?
> No problem at all.
> PS. you can **style** your text _as you want_.
This is a blockquote. Want to write on a new line with space between?
No problem at all. PS. you can style your text as you want.
The best way is to simply drag & drop image from your computer directly. You can also create reference to image and assign it that way.
Here is the syntax.
![text if the image fails to load](auto-generated-path-to-file-when-you-upload-image "Text displayed on hover")
[logo]: auto-generated-path-to-file-when-you-upload-image "Hover me"
![error text][logo]
Similar to images, links can also be inserted directly or by creating a reference. You can create both inline and block links.
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[My Markdown Cheatsheet - star it if you like it][markdown-cheatsheet]
Find some great docs [here][docs]
Like it so far? Follow me on GitHub
My Markdown Cheatsheet - star it if you like it
Find some great docs here
You can cerate both inline and full block code snippets. You can also define programming language you were using in your snippet. All by using backticks.
I created `.env` file at the root.
learning: "Markdown",
showing: "block code snippet"
const x = "Block code snippet in JS";
I created .env
file at the root.
learning: "Markdown",
showing: "block code snippet"
const x = "Block code snippet in JS";
As you can do in HTML, Markdown allows creating of both ordered and unordered lists.
2. CSS
3. Javascript
4. React
5. I'm Frontend Dev now 👨🏼🎨
- Javascript
- React
- I'm Frontend Dev now 👨🏼🎨
- Node.js
- Express
- Nest.js
- Learning Backend ⌛️
- Node.js
- Express
- Nest.js
- Learning Backend ⌛️
You can also mix both of the lists and create sublists.
PS. Try not to create lists deeper than two levels. It is the best practice.
1. Learn Basics
2. CSS
3. Javascript
2. Learn One Framework
- React
- Router
- Redux
- Vue
- Svelte
- Learn Basics
- Javascript
- Learn One Framework
- React
- Router
- Redux
- Vue
- Svelte
- React