Now that I've given my name, I can begin to explain the rest of the map to you. Here I usually share useful little software that will do my little things while I'm learning on my own. You will usually find tools related to computer graphics and homework I did in my undergraduate studies. Apart from that, you can ask me various questions here. Computer graphics. I can answer your questions about C/C++, Java and JavaScript. If you want to reach, there are relevant sections at the bottom.
To Summarize Briefly ::
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Freelancer and SelfLearning.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript, Docker, Mikroservices, CGI.
- 💬 Talk to me about Java, C, C++, JavaScript, Computer Graphics,
- 📫 How to reach me:
Best Regards, Ahmet F. UZUNKAYA
Last Edit : [ 25 / 06 / 2021 ]