That code describes 3-container infrastructure to run MLFLow + Conda
- MLFlow Server: A centralised hub for model repo, this server ensures that ML models are stored, versioned, and easily accessible for other components [named: mlflow_server]
- API: Powered by FastAPI, this component is key for model serving. It allows manual reloading, fetches fresh training data from the database, and stands as a bridge between our frontend and backend operations [named: api]
- Training Container: As the name suggests, this container is responsible for training the ML model. Once the training step is completed, the model is uploaded to the MLFlow server [named: mlops]
The code under ./src/api is described in separate under project
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed The Docker server needs to be up and running before initialising the containers
For virtual environment setups within containers, configurations are found in ./docker/conda-cfg Every container utilizes its unique config file. Separate environment-.yml files form the corresponding conda-lock-.yml files. The script creates these lock files. Lock files are being copied by Docker during container initialisation Unless your environment alters, these configurations remain maintenance-free
- The ./docker/ directory holds essential Dockerfiles and a docker-compose.yml for container orchestration
- Preparing the Environment: After pulling the code from the repository, navigate to the ./docker directory. This is where the magic begins
- Deploying the MLflow Server & API Containers: From the ./docker directory, use the command docker compose up –build to build the primary containers. Once the containers are up and active, you can connect to the MLflow server at http://:5001 and the API at http://:5002. A successful connection to the MLflow UI or a message stating “Welcome to the API service!” from the API server confirms their operational status.
- Launching the MLOps Container: This container is at the heart of model training. Running the command docker compose up mlops –build from the ./docker directory will kickstart the process. The code does not contain any files to initiate the process as I kept the code simple to show the Docker + MLFlow + Conda solution
# From within ./docker directory
docker compose up --build
docker compose up mlops --build