An ecommerce platform made with Next.js, Tailwind Css, Redux, Stripe, Material Ui for the frontend and Node Js, Express, MongoDb, JWT for the backend. It also has an Admin Panel to edit and add products on the store.
- This ecommerce store is buit using Next js and Tailwind Css.
- State management is done using Redux and Redux Persist to persist the app's state like user login and cart on reload.
- We can register a new account, login to add products.
- User authentication is done using JWT.
- Once we have added products to the cart, we can checkout using Stripe. (see credentials below)
- The Store also has an admin dashboard that only an admin account has access to. This dashboard can be used to add/edit or delete products on the store. (see credentials below)
- Analysis of sales and user activity of previous months can be tracked in the admin app.
- Stripe checkout
- Admin account
- username: admin
- password: 1234