This plan captures our work in April. This is a 6-week iteration. We will ship our April Update in early May. You'll notice that we list less work than usual in an iteration that is longer than usual. If you wonder what we are up to: One of the most commented issues is about WSL and led us to explore what we can do (#63155). It made us realize that with a bit of enablement in the core, we can build extensions that greatly improve the WSL experience and "a bunch of other stuff" 😃. It's a model comparable to what happened a year ago with the LiveShare extension. So, this month we keep the focus on those extensions and lift the curtain in early May. It's going to be cool, stay tuned.
Oh, and the Swiss part of our team needs to set a ⛄ on 🔥.
- May 6, 2019: Endgame begins
- May 10, 2019: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #73175.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
- 🏃 Iconography re-design Inconsistent weight and use of color in iconography throughout UI #8017 @misolori
- 🏃 Explore Extensions Management UX Explore Extensions Management UX #68527 @misolori @sandy081
- 🏃 Explore new VS Code icons Refreshing the VS Code product icon #71827 @misolori
- LSP support for call hierarchies PR #420 @dbaeumer
- LSP support for progress reporting PR #261 @dbaeumer
- Adopt TypeScript 3.4.x @mjbvz
Extension Contributions
- Contributions to the Vetur extension @octref
- Explore support for developing on WSL Explore support for developing on WSL #63155 @alexandrudima team
- 🏃 Explore supporting Electron 5.0 default renderer configuration Explore supporting Electron 5.0 default renderer configuration #68302 @bpasero @sbatten team
Deferred Items
- Electron 4.0 upgrade Explore update to Electron 4 #61787 @bpasero
- Explore flatting folder hierarchies in the explorer Explorer: Support compact folder rendering #41627 @isidorn @joaomoreno
- LSP support for type hierarchies PR #426 @dbaeumer