This plan captures our work in late December and January. Although longer, we treat this iteration as a 4-week iteration because most of us will have time off over the holidays, and it will take us a little bit to get going again once we are back. We will ship our January Update in in early Feburary.
- January 28, 2019: Code freeze for the endgame
- February 1, 2019: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #67225.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
- Publish the 2019 roadmap @egamma @kieferrm
- Provide preview of flexible panel/sidebar layout Investigate to rewrite workbench layout using grid widget #50853 @sbatten @joaomoreno
- Support multi-line diagnostics messages in the Problems panel Multi-line diagnostics #1927 @sandy081
- Navigate through explorer by typing start of file/folder name Navigate through explorer by typing start of file/folder name #10026 @isidorn
- Revisit the explorer context menu (cut, duplicate, open folder) Please add the file/folder cut command to the context menu and the releated shortcut. #61110 @isidorn @bpasero
- Update Octicons Update Octicons #65508 @misolori
- 🏃 Iconography re-design Inconsistent weight and use of color in iconography throughout UI #8017 @misolori
- Support
on Windows Windows terminal issues caused by winpty #45693 @Tyriar - Reflow text when terminal is resized Reflow terminal lines when resized #23688 @Tyriar
- Improve accessibility of the terminal Integrated terminal isn't accessible with JAWS and NVDA #59794 @Tyriar
- 🏃 Support semantic selections Expand selection functionality issues #4795 @jrieken
- 🏃 Support semantic selections in LSP Feature request: "document/extendSelection" for semantic selection language-server-protocol#613 @dbaeumer
- Provide feedback on LSP tutorial @dbaeumer @octref
- Adopt TypeScript 3.3 Adopt TypeScript 3.3 #66175 @mjbvz
- Support semantic selections in JSON [json] support semantic selection #67232 @aeschli
- Improve custom tags and properties in HTML Web Components support in HTML files #62976 @octref
- Provide custom properties in CSS Custom Properties contribution for CSS #64164 @octref
- Support semantic selections in CSS and HTML HTML / CSS / Less / SCSS semantic selection (balance inward/outward) #65925 @octref
- Add support for data break points in the Debug Adapter Protocol Data breakpoints proposal debug-adapter-protocol#20 @weinand
- Fully support input arguments for command variables in launch configs support "command" input variable type #64362 @weinand
- Explore Debug API: Debug Config Provider to return launch configurations dynamically Debug Provider to return launch configurations 'in-memory' to the debugger #54212 @weinand
- Linux: Provide daily insider snaps @joaomoreno
Extension Contributions
- 🏃 Migrate
to use tslint as a TS server plugin Todo typescript-tslint-plugin#1 @mjbvz - GitHub PR extension Plan for January 2019 vscode-pull-request-github#762 @RMacfarlane @rebornix
- Azure Account Extension: improve login flow Sign-in: Use browser for interactive sign-in vscode-azure-account#75 @chrmarti
- Explore impact of Webview changes in electron 3.0 on extensions @mjbvz Test webview extensions on electron 3.0 #63180
- Investigate to activate extensions after install without window reload @alexandrudima @sandy081 Do not require a window reload after installing extension #66199
- 🏃 Support to install native dependencies when an extension is installed Support Platform Specific Extensions #23251 @sandy081
should block publishing extensions that usevscode
as a dependency (should always be adevDependency
) Prevent packagingvscode
as a dependency vscode-vsce#319 @joaomoreno
- Address "
not working as expected" DefinitionLink targetSelectionRange not working as expected #58649 @jrieken - Investigate generalized support for 'Fix All' [Api] Auto fix on save and fix all #62110 @mjbvz
- 🏃 Explore support for developing on WSL Explore support for developing on WSL #63155 team
- Electron 3.0 upgrade Explore update to Electron 3 #52629 @bpasero
- 🏃 Explore Electron 4.0 upgrade Explore update to Electron 4 #61787 @bpasero
- 🏃 Strict null checking VS Code Strict null checking VS Code #60565 @mjbvz team
- Show startup performance times inside an editor Improve rendering for 'Developer: Startup Performance' #65400 @jrieken
- Support the adoption of the new Tree widget @joaomoreno
- Adopt new tree widget in the Explorer @isidorn
- Adopt new tree widget in the Peek widget @jrieken
- Adopt new tree widget in Search @roblourens
- Adopt new tree widget in Settings @roblourens
- Publish new extensibility documentation Plan to continue polish extension doc vscode-docs#2199 @octref team
- 🏃 Revisit Javascript end user documentation Explore reorganizing js/ts docs vscode-docs#2190 @mjbvz @gregvanl
Deferred Items
- 💪 Use browser logic for improved word navigation in CJK Feature request: Treat the Chinese text as a Chinese sequence when using
#50045 @rebornix - 💪 Explore flatting folder hierarchies in the explorer Explorer: Support compact folder rendering #41627 @isidorn @joaomoreno
- Improve Vetur roadmap @octref
- Add support for custom execution in addition to ShellExecution and ProcessExecution @alexr00
- 💪 Welcome page improvements Explore improving UX for Welcome Page #63152 @chrmarti @misolori