Endgame Schedule
- April 23th, Code freeze for the endgame
- April 27th, Endgame done
Note: The
build needs to be in the wild for 24 hours before we can enter the last phase of the endgame.
- Code freeze at 5pm PT
- Ensure we have a green build on all platforms at 5pm PT
- All test items are created (with "complexity" but not necessarily with full description) by 5pm PT
- All test items contain comprehensive test descriptions by 10pm PT
- Update your availability for testing here -
- Test plan items assigned
- All closed feature-requests without either verification-needed or on-testplan tag
- Testing
- Verification needed
- Remind team members to assign issues that they intend to fix to the April milestone
- Testing
- Fixing (self-assigned, milestone assigned)
- Verification needed
- Verification
Thursday & Friday
- Fixing last issues
- Verification needed
- Verification
- Satellite modules/npm packages ready, version updated, smoke tested
- Check translations (check
folder git history for latest translations, then build locally and see the amount of untranslated strings) @dbaeumer - All release notes updated - release notes are collected in a file named
in this repo directory. This includes new features and notable fixes. - Acknowledge pull requests in release notes. We acknowledge PRs from outside the team. Use the thankyou tool to generate the initial contents of the section:
- vscode endgame master
- vscode-node-debug @weinand
- vscode-node-debug2 @roblourens
- vscode-debugadapter-node @weinand
- vscode-languageserver-node @dbaeumer
- language-server-protocol @dbaeumer
- vscode-textmate @alexandrudima
- vscode-loader @alexandrudima
- vscode-generator-code @aeschli
- vscode-vsce @joaomoreno
- vscode-docs @gregvanl
- vscode-css-languageservice @aeschli
- vscode-json-languageservice @aeschli
- vscode-html-languageservice @aeschli
- jsonc-parser @aeschli
- vscode-jscs @chrisdias
- vscode-tslint @egamma
- vscode-eslint @dbaeumer
- vscode-jshint @RMacfarlane
- vscode-recipes @auchenberg
- localization @danyeh
- vscode-github-issues-prs @chrmarti
- vscode-azure-account @chrmarti
- vscode-azurecli @chrmarti
- Run OSS tool endgame master
- The LCA review of the ThirdPartyNotices.txt files is not needed anymore
- do not forget to update the
attribute in the package.json with the commit ID of the distro repo. - Create list for team members to enter new OSS usage into the OSS registry endgame master
- Register new components in OSS registry
- Fixing (only critical bugs - no string changes)
- Smoketest
- Windows
- OS X
- Linux
- When done fixing/verifying and there are changes since last build at the end of day PT
- Trigger new insider build and publish it manually change author
- Disable continuous
builds - endgame master - Branch code to
and releasemaster
- endgame master - Bump up the version in
- endgame master - Announce master is open for business endgame master
Friday / Monday week 2
- If not done on Friday
- Disable continuous
builds - endgame master - Branch code to
and releasemaster
- endgame master - Bump up the version in
- endgame master - Announce master is open for business endgame master
- Disable continuous
- Polish release notes @gregvanl
Monday week 2 - Wednesday week 2
- Polish release notes @gregvanl
- Cherry-pick hand-picked and reviewed changes to
change author - Build
endgame master - Manually release
endgame master - Documentation updated
Thursday/Friday week 2
- Merge translations PR (if it makes it in time) endgame master
- Build stable for all platforms endgame master
- Make rpm signing request @Tyriar
- Sanity check of installable bits
- Publish website @gregvanl
- Publish to stable @owner
- Publish deb and rpms to repositories manually @Tyriar
- Add a git tag to
in formatx.y.z
endgame master - Enable scheduled
builds endgame master - Twitter announcement @seanmcbreen