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Iteration Plan for November 2017 #38268




This plan captures our work in November. This is a 5 week iteration. We will ship early December.

With Version 1.18 we made multi-root-folder workspaces available to everyone and we released plenty new functionality such as viewing diffs right in the editor, and we transitioned from Nemo to Dory 😉. We also improved performance with predictably shorter startup times on Windows and optimizations of how we handle a large number of editor decorations. The performance work doesn't come as a surprise to you if you had a look at our updated roadmap.

In this iteration we'll turn the dial more toward performance and github issues housekeeping. As a consequence you will find several performance explorations and engineering items on the plan. As you know a series of feature-rich releases always takes a toll on how much we can stay atop of all of our github issues. So, if all of a sudden you see a lot of github notification, don't get scared.

Bottom line, you won't see a lot of new features in 1.19 but you'll still get a better version of VS Code.

December 11 - 22 will not be covered by a separate plan. A couple of items are at the bottom of this plan. Our January iteration starts on January 2nd, 2018.


  • December 4th: Code freeze for the endgame
  • December 8th: Endgame done
    The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in November Endgame #39540.

Plan Items

Below is a summary of the top level plan items. Given the large number of explorations, we'll diverge from our usual practice of having plan items for all bullets upfront. This time we'll add them as we go.

Legend of annotations:

Mark Description
🏃 work in progress
blocked task
💪 stretch goal for this iteration
🔵 more details required
🔴 missing issue reference


GitHub Issue Housekeeping


Language Server Protocol

Debug Adapter Protocol

  • Clarify and extend protocol specification as needed @weinand
  • Review and discuss proposed protocol extensions @weinand




December 11 - 22


  • Provide tooling to support users in filing performance issues Team @Microsoft/vscode
    • Interactive tools about active extensions, active processes and their memory and CPU consumption, unresponsive processes, ...
    • Generators for performance reports that can be attached to issues (installed extensions, activated extensions, processes, memory usage)
  • Explore extension health reports for users about installed extensions (thrown exceptions, activation time, …)
  • Support client side log (and log viewer) that can be shared with us when there are issues
  • Explore tools to guide users in filing issues @octref




iteration-planVS Code - Upcoming iteration plan


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Issue actions