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April Iteration Plan #24111




This plan captures the focus of our work during the April iteration. It's a 4 week iteration. We will ship early May.

The last few iterations were exciting for us. We shipped an abundance of features, and every day we see more new users. With more users comes more activity in our repo: more PRs, more issues, more discussions. It's a great. Thank you!

We have been trying hard to keep up with everything. But, we feel our issue situation is not in the best possible shape. So, for this iteration, we'll slightly shift our focus: We'll focus more on grooming our issues, fixing bugs, and improving engineering than we'll focus on new features.

We'll still continue to work on items that have been in flight. For example, last month, we started the exploration to support multi-root workspaces (#396). We'll continue the design and planning work this iteration. BTW, this is a big one and it will take us several iterations to ship it all.

No worries, our release notes will still have a few entries 😄.


  • April, 25th: Code freeze for the endgame (shifted it by one day since we have less new features to test)
  • April, 28th: Endgame done

The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #25250.

Plan Items

Below is a summary of the top level plan items.

Legend for annotations:

Mark Description
🏃 work in progress
blocked task
💪 stretch goal for this iteration
🔵 more details required
🔴 missing issue reference

Progress on in-flight items

Issues we plan to fix

Engineering items


  • Install/update- Investigate into a rolling install-update scheme or to suspend an update without roll back @joaomoreno @bpasero




iteration-planVS Code - Upcoming iteration plan


No type


No projects



None yet


No branches or pull requests

Issue actions