Endgame Schedule
- January 23 Code freeze for the endgame
- Febuary 1 Endgame done
Endgame Week
Monday, January 23
- Code freeze at 2am CET / 5pm PT
- All test items contain sufficiently comprehensive test descriptions by 3am CET / 6pm PT
- Ensure we have a green build on all platforms
Tuesday, January 24
- Test build starts at 7am CET / 10pm PT Monday
- Test plan ready by 8am CET / 11pm PT Monday
- Testing
Wednesday, January 25
- Morning issue triage
- Testing, Fixing
- Verification Since there are quite some old bugs to verify we verify by age, youngest first. The queries are:
Thursday, January 26
- Fixing last issues
- Verification
- Add/update shrink-wrap files for built-in extensions if needed (see instructions) - endgame master
- Run OSS tool after merging shrink-wrap findings - endgame master
- The LCA review of the ThirdPartyNotices.txt files is not needed anymore
- Check new OSS usage is entered into the OSS registry - endgame master
Friday, January 27
- Acknowledge Pull Requests in release notes. - endgame master
- Satellite modules/npm packages ready, version updated, smoke tested, PRs acknowledged
- Translation input - @dbaeumer
- Smoketest
- Windows - @dbaeumer
- OS X - @sandy081
- Linux - @joaomoreno
- Update the Release Notes (including notable fixes) and documentation.
- Freeze
builds - endgame master - Branch code to
and releasemaster
- endgame master - Bump up the version in
- endgame master
Stabilisation Week: Jan 30 to Feb 3
- Polish release notes @gregvanl
- Merge translations @dbaeumer
- Build stable - endgame master
- Smoketest stable, sanity check all release bits
- Tag the release:
- endgame master - Unfreeze insider channel - endgame master
- Publish website @gregvanl
- Release stable
- Tweet about the release - @seanmcbreen