Endgame Schedule
- September, 26th Code freeze for the endgame
- September, 30th Endgame done
- Verification (wiki): since there are quite some old bugs to verify we verify by age, youngest first. The queries are:
- Code freeze at 5pm PT
- Ensure we have a green build on all platforms
- All test items contain sufficiently comprehensive test descriptions by 6pm PT
- Test build starts at 7am CET / 10pm PT on Monday
- Test plan ready by 8am CET / 11pm PT on Monday
- Testing
- Testing
- Remind team members to assign issues that they intend to fix to the September milestone
- Fixing (self-assigned, milestone assigned)
- Verification (queries above)
- Fixing (scrutiny sets in - major bugs only - to be discussed in stand-up meeting, labeled as
) - Verification (queries above)
- Add/update shrink-wrap files for built-in extensions if needed (see instructions) (was done along the way)
- Update
for built-in extensions based on differences to generatednpm-shrinkwrap.json
files if needed @alexandrudima/dbaeumer - Run OSS tool after merging shrink-wrap findings @alexandrudima/dbaeumer
- The LCA review of the ThirdPartyNotices.txt files is not needed anymore
- Check new OSS usage is entered into the OSS registry @alexandrudima/dbaeumer
- Satellite modules/npm packages ready, version updated, smoke tested
- vscode @bpasero
- yo generator @bpasero
- vsce @joaomoreno
- node debug @isidorn
- Translation input - @dbaeumer
- Verification (queries above)
- Fixing (only critical bugs - no string changes)
- Smoketest
- Windows - @chrmarti
- OS X - @ramya-rao-a
- Linux - @mjbvz
- All release notes updated. Release notes are collected in a file named
in this repo directory - Acknowledge pull requests in release notes. We acknowledge PRs from outside the team. @ALL
- Mention notable fixes in the release notes:
- When done fixing/verifying and there are changes since last build at the end of day PT
- Trigger new insider build and publish it manually @chrmarti
- Pause scheduled
builds @chrmarti - Branch code to
@chrmarti - Announce master is open for business @chrmarti
- Polish release notes @gregvanl
- Publish
with hand-picked and reviewed candidate fixes @chrmarti
- Publish
with hand-picked and reviewed candidate fixes @chrmarti
- Build stable for all platforms @chrmarti
- Sanity check of installable bits
- Publish website @gregvanl
- Release stable (commit: e52fb0b) @chrmarti
- Add a git tag to
in format1.6.z
@chrmarti - Twitter announcement @chrisdias
- Enable scheduled
builds @chrmarti
Thursday - Oct 13
- Build stable for all platforms @weinand
- Verify fixed issues
- Sanity check of installable bits
- Publish website @gregvanl
- Add a git tag
to HEAD of release/1.6 @Tyriar
This plan captures what we work on during September. We are back to our normal 4 week rhythm. We will ship early October.
Not unusual and still noteworthy: We will do several explorations that might or might not result in concrete deliverables in this or later releases.
- September, 26th Code freeze for the endgame
- September, 30th Endgame done
Plan Items
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔵 | more details required |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
Issues to address community feedback:
- 💪 Workbench - Support to split editors horizontally Support to split editors horizontally #1749 @bpasero
- 🏃 💪 Workbench - Preserve unsaved files on quit Unsaved files should be preserved on quit (hot exit) #101 @Tyriar
- Workbench - Support to show icons in more places (tabs, open editors, quick open) Support to show icons in more places (tabs, open editors, quick open) #11751 @bpasero
- Test Test: icons show up everywhere #12525
- Release notes
- Find/Search - Support history for find/search patterns There is no search history #5508 @sandy081
- Test Test: Search History #12593
- Release notes
- Extensions - support to recommend extensions for a workspace Workspace extension recommendations #11936 @sandy081
- Test Test: Workspace extension recommendations #12594
- Release notes
- 🏃 Extensions - support to disable an extension Need to disable extensions not just uninstall them #2882 @joaomoreno @sandy081
- 🏃 Extensions - support to publish and install a set of extensions Extension installation dependencies #11937 @joaomoreno @sandy081
- Test Test: Install a set of extensions #12647
- Release notes
- API - Debug: Support launch.json participation from an extension Debt: Support launch.json creation through extension host code #9061 (depends on Allow extensions to set configuration options. #1396, Simplify the configuration service, enable programmatic modification #8937) @isidorn
- Test launch.json generation #12460
- Release notes
- API - enable format on save scenario, requires sync onWillSaveDocument hook API: Extra events like onPreSaveTextDocument? #239, Format on Save #12449 @jrieken
- Test Test onWillSaveTextDocument event #12640 Test format on save #12639
- Release notes
- API - Action terminal API feedback Allow terminal launch path to be set via integrated terminal API #10917 How to determine if a Terminal created using new API has been closed by the user? #10925 Terminal.dispose should not show the panel if it is hidden #11275 Creating a terminal and sending text to it should not show it #11384 Expose terminal process ID through API #11919 @Tyriar
- Test Test: Action terminal API #12595
- Release notes
- 🏃 Debug - Improve Docker/SourceMaps scenarios Better Support for Source Breakpoints when output is in different folders #6915, Sourcemap remote debugging with break points #9742 @weinand
- Debug - add globbing support for the
attribute in the launch config Better Support for Source Breakpoints when output is in different folders #6915 @weinand- Test Test globbing support for the
attribute in the launch config #12254 - Release notes
- Test Test globbing support for the
- Debug - Add launch option that allows run node project by npm script Add launch option that allows run node project by npm script #2726 @weinand
- Test Test launch option that allows run node project by npm script #12253
- Release notes
- Search/quick open - Improve quick open performance on windows (some improvements got backed out) Windows: Investigate writing native library / command line tool for file traversal #11182 @chrmarti
- ✋ Install - Support Linux auto update (signing support should be in place now) rpm & repository for Fedora Linux #229 Distribute VS Code via a signed apt repository #2973 @Tyriar
Debt Items
Issues to reduce our engineering debt:
- 🏃 Revisit and improve the use of the editor inside the debug console @alexandrudima Debt - Revisit and improve the use of the editor inside the debug console #12020
- Extract HTML language support into an extension Extract the html support into an extension #8938 @aeschli
- Test Test HTML/Razor/Handlebar #12100
- Release notes
- Find a better way to cache objects between main and ext host find a better way to cache objects between main and ext host #11455 @jrieken
- Release notes
- 🏃 Markdown - tmGrammar needs to be improved - see query @mjbvz
- Test Test: Improved Markdown grammar #12652
- Release notes
- Publish source maps for built-in extensions Publish sourcemaps for built-in extensions #10994 @joaomoreno
- Test Test: Source maps for built-in extensions #12597
- Release notes
- Rendering of documentation in Intellisense and hover is inconsistent Rendering of documentation in Intellisense and hover inconsistent #2330 @joaomoreno
- Test Test: Documentation in Intellisense and hover #12598
- Release notes
- Search/Problems - More consistent highlighting using range highlight (find, search, problems, outline, go to line) Highlight the line for current search result #11318 Problems: selecting problem should highlight problem line in editor #8365 @sandy081
- Test Test: Highlighting using range highlight #12599
- Release notes
Extension Contributions
Support/contribute to extensions:
- 🏃 Extension - Handle the case that an extension is for a newer VS Code version, enable to publish extension that require new API (e.g. insiders only) gracefully Improve extension engine compatibility #11573 @joaomoreno, @sandy081
- Test Test extension engine compatibility #12658
- Release Notes
- 🏃 Chrome debugger - align the functionality of the node-debugger and chrome debugger Node CDP Debug tasks vscode-node-debug2#7 @roblourens
- Test Test: Align functionality of node-debugger and chrome debugger #12600
- Release Notes
- 🏃 VIM extension support see VIM API Gaps #8997 @rebornix
- 🏃 VIM - setting for relative line numbers directly in Code Gutter customization #9561 @rebornix
- Test Test: Setting for relative line numbers #12653
- Release Notes
- 🏃 Go - support ongoing maintenance @ramya-rao-a
- Fix installation when goimports is the chosen formatting tool
- Use diff output from gorename to allow undo on rename operation
- Add configurable test flags to run Go tests
- Replace full vendor paths with relative paths in Add Import command
- Add autocomplete feature for methods from unimported packages
- Allow configurable env vars to be used while running Go tests
- vscode-eslint - assist user in setting up eslint for the workspace @dbaeumer
- Test Test: assist user in setting up eslint #12601
- Release notes
- vsocde-eslint - don't lint when there are config errors, support to disable eslint @dbaeumer
- Test Test: ESLint: don't lint when there are config errors #12602
- Release notes
- vscode-tslint - align vscode-tslint with the vscode-eslint improvements Microsoft/vscode-tslint#86 @egamma
- Test Test: Align vscode-tslint with the vscode-eslint improvements #12603
- Release notes
- vscode-tslint - Improve and document the integration of vscode-tslint with a gulp tslint task. Add C/C++ support #89 @egamma
- Test Test: Integration of vscode-tslint with a gulp #12604
- Release notes
This section lists several engineering/development items that the team identified:
- Electron - investigate into adoption of latest version Adopt latest version of Electron #10206 @bpasero
- Test Test: Electron Update 1.3.x #12519
- Release notes
- ✋ Explore open/install an extension from the Market Place Explore open/install an extension from the Market Place #10340 @joaomoreno
- Show release notes in product Show the release notes in the product instead of providing link #10179 @joaomoreno
- Test Test: Release notes in the product #12520
- Release notes
- Inform users that they are running a patched version of VS Code Inform users that they are running a patched version of VS Code #12021 @alexandrudima
- Test Test: Inform users that they are running a patched version #12659
- Release notes
- Build - Support bundling extensions from Marketplace at build time Support bundling extensions from Marketplace at build time #12018 @joaomoreno
- Test Test: Support bundling extensions from Marketplace at build time #12521
- Release notes
- Debugger Protocol - Breakpoint hit counts Debug Protocol: breakpoint hit counts vscode-debugadapter-node#37 @weinand
- Release notes
- Debugger Protocol - Provide a JSON schema for the debug protocol Create a (json) schema for the VS Code Debug Protocol vscode-debugadapter-node#51 @weinand
- Release notes
- Debugger Protocol - External Terminal support for runInTerminal External Terminal support for runInTerminal request #11581 @weinand
- Test Test External Terminal support for runInTerminal request #12252
- Release notes
- Debug/tasks - Consolidate variable substitution between debug and tasks Consolidate variable substitution between debug and tasks #8754 @isidorn
- Test Test: variable substition in launch.json and tasks.json #12384
- Release notes
- Settings - enable programmatic changes to settings (includes launch.json, task.json) Simplify the configuration service, enable programmatic modification #8937 @bpasero
- Test launch.json generation #12460
- Release notes
- Settings - expose API to change a user settings, launch.json, task.json Allow extensions to set configuration options. #1396 @jrieken
- Settings - API adopt new settings API (file associations, enable auto save from the file menu) Use new configuration write API for: file associations, auto save #11974 @bpasero
- Test Test: file associations and auto save automatic configuration #12527
- Release notes
- TypeScript - Adopt TS 2.0 and bundle 2.0 for September Adopt Typescript 2.0 #10136 @dbaeumer
- Test Test: TypeScript 2.0.3 upgrade #12633
- Release notes
- TypeScript - Inform user about TS 2.0 in the product (remove the tsdk guidance) Inform the user that VS Code ships TS 2.0 #12091 @dbaeumer
- Test Test: TypeScript 2.0.3 upgrade #12633
- Release notes
- 💪 Language server - shutdown the server when idle for an extended period Add support to shutdown a language server when idle vscode-languageserver-node#97 @dbaeumer
- 💪 Language server - throttle validation when document changes Server implementation should provide document validation queuing vscode-languageserver-node#42 @dbaeumer
We are continuously exploring options and ideas. Some might make it into future releases.
- Investigate into using SCCS instead of CSS in VS Code Use Sass for vscode's styles #8589 @bpasero @aeschli @Tyriar
- Workbench - Support for running tests, see results, navigate to failures Test Runner Viewlet with an Extension API to plug into [Enhancement Request] #9505 @alexandrudima
- 🏃 🔵 Initial configuration on first run (implementation depends on settings API) Show list of useful commands in watermark #12534 @chrmarti
- Test Test: Commands in watermark #12607
- Release notes
- Node - investigate into 'configure workspace' action for node @jrieken
- Debug - investigate in presenting inline values Debug: investigate how to present inline values in source when stepping through code #12256 @weinand
- Debug Console: investigate into replacing the tree widget with a text editor Debug console architecture #11462 @isidorn
- 🏃 💪 API - explore inline UI extensions (peak, split editor) Custom peek widgets #3220 @jrieken, @DonJayamanne
- 🏃 💪 API - declarative contribution of custom explorers (based on tree models) @Tyriar @octref
- 'Open in VS Code' action from Github @joaomoreno
- 🏃 TypeScript - investigate automatic type acquisition provided by the tsserver Explore how to leverage TypeScripts new typings support #12458 @kieferrm
- PHP - investigate how and where to contribute @mousetraps
- 🔵 💪 - Serviceability improvements when VS Code crashes @ramya-rao-a
Feedback Channels
- 🏃 Telemetry - Track Autocomplete suggestions and terminal events in xflow and Targets report @mjbvz
- Telemetry - Improve data refresh times by improving SQL queries in Extensions, Targets and LongTermUse reports in Power BI @ramya-rao-a @mjbvz
- Telemetry - Explore BigQuery as a source instead of SQL @mjbvz
- 🏃 Manage panels on-going. Prereq for maximizing a panel @isidorn @stevencl @bgashler1
- 💪 🏃 Advanced refactoring UI @stevencl @bgashler1