opened on Nov 2, 2021
Azure Monitoring is moving to OpenTelemetry as the future of instrumentation
Azure SDK tooling is also moving that way
.NET SDKs: Experimental
Java SDKs: Beta
One of the benefits of OpenTelemetry is separating instrumentation of libraries/frameworks from the monitoring tools that collect, ingest and analyze that data. This is done through standard APIs to write and read and write telemetry and metrics. See what is OpenTelemetry
One possible path forward for this project is to move from the App Insights enrichment libraries to the OpenTelemetry ones.
- Continues to enrich the App Insights telemetry objects with Kubernetes values
- Makes this same data available to any OpenTelemetry collector
Is it a good time to consider this, possibly as a fork? (Does that exist? I couldn't find one)
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