Backtest and live trading in 100% pure Python, open sourced on GitHub.
Prerequisite: download and install IB TWS or IB Gateway; enable API connection as described here.
Approach one: using pip install
step 1.a
pip install quanttrading2
step 1.b
download examples\ and examples\config_live.yaml.
step 1.c
Approach two: using source code.
step 2.a. download and unzip source code.
step 2.b. include unzipped path in PYTHONPATH environment variable.
step 2.c.
cd examples
Why quantttrading2? There exists QuantTrading(1) in C#. So this one in Python gets suffix 2.
DISCLAIMER Open source, free to use, free to contribute, use at own risk. No promise of future profits nor responsibility of future loses.