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Matthew Parno committed Oct 18, 2023
1 parent 892c746 commit 2809871
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 156 deletions.
157 changes: 1 addition & 156 deletions MParT/MonotoneComponent.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,16 +312,6 @@ class MonotoneComponent : public ConditionalMapBase<MemorySpace>
StridedVector<double, MemorySpace> output,
std::map<std::string, std::string> options=std::map<std::string,std::string>())
// std::cout << "xs.shape = " << xs.extent(0) << "," << xs.extent(1) << std::endl;
// std::cout << "xs = \n" << std::endl;
// for(unsigned int row=0; row<xs.extent(0); ++row){
// for(unsigned int col=0; col<xs.extent(1); ++col){
// std::cout << " " << xs(row,col);
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;

// Extract the method from the options map
std::string method;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -986,16 +976,6 @@ class MonotoneComponent : public ConditionalMapBase<MemorySpace>
QuadratureType const& quad,
ExpansionType const& expansion)
// std::cout << "pt = " << std::endl;
// for(unsigned int i=0; i<pt.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << " " << pt(i);
// std::cout << std::endl;
// std::cout << "xd = " << xd << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Coefficients = " << std::endl;
// for(unsigned int i=0; i<coeffs.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << " " << coeffs(i);
// std::cout << std::endl;

double output = 0.0;
// Compute the integral \int_0^1 g( \partial_D f(x_1,...,x_{D-1},t*x_d)) dt
MonotoneIntegrand<ExpansionType, PosFuncType, PointType, CoeffsType, MemorySpace> integrand(cache,
Expand All @@ -1006,148 +986,13 @@ class MonotoneComponent : public ConditionalMapBase<MemorySpace>

quad.Integrate(workspace, integrand, 0, 1, &output);
// std::cout << "output 1 = " << output << std::endl;

// Finish filling in the cache for an evaluation of the expansion with x_d=0
// std::cout << "pt = " << std::endl;
// for(unsigned int i=0; i<pt.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << " " << pt(i);
// std::cout << std::endl;

expansion.FillCache2(cache, pt, 0.0, DerivativeFlags::None);
output += expansion.Evaluate(cache, coeffs);
// std::cout << "output 2 = " << output << std::endl;

return output;

@brief Solves \f$y_D = T(x_1,\ldots,x_D)\f$ for \f$x_D\f$ at a single point using the ITP bracketing method.
@details Uses the [Interpolate Truncate and Project (ITP)]( method to solve
\f$y_D = T(x_1,\ldots,x_D)\f$ for \f$x_D\f$. This method is a bracketing method similar to bisection, but
with faster convergence. The worst case performance of ITP, in terms of required evaluations of \f$T\f$,
is the same as bisection.
@param cache Memory set up by Kokkos for this evaluation. The `expansion_.FillCache1` function must be
called before calling this function.
@param pt Array of length \f$D\f$ containing the fixed values of \f$x_{1:D-1}\f$ and an initial guess for \f$x_D\f$ in the last component.
@param coeffs An array of coefficients for the expansion.
@param options
@return The value of \f$x_D\f$ solving \f$y_D = T(x_1,\ldots,x_D)\f$
@tparam PointType The type of the point. Typically either Kokkos::View<double*> or some subview with a similar 1d signature.
@tparam CoeffsType The type of the coefficients. Typically Kokkos::View<double*> or a similarly structured subview.
// template<typename PointType, typename CoeffsType>
// KOKKOS_FUNCTION static double InverseSingleBracket(double* cache,
// double* workspace,
// PointType const& pt,
// double yd,
// CoeffsType const& coeffs,
// const double xtol,
// const double ftol,
// QuadratureType const& quad,
// ExpansionType const& expansion)
// {
// double stepSize=1.0;
// const unsigned int maxIts = 10000;

// // First, we need to find two points that bound the solution.
// double xlb, xub;
// double ylb, yub;
// double xb, xf; // Bisection point and regula falsi point
// double xc, yc;

// xlb = pt(pt.extent(0)-1);
// ylb = EvaluateSingle(workspace, cache, pt, xlb, coeffs, quad, expansion);

// // We actually found an upper bound...
// if(ylb>yd){

// mpart::simple_swap(ylb,yub);
// mpart::simple_swap(xlb,xub);

// // Now find a lower bound...
// unsigned int i;
// for(i=0; i<maxIts; ++i){ // Could just be while(true), but want to avoid infinite loop
// xlb = xub-stepSize;
// ylb = EvaluateSingle(workspace, cache, pt, xlb, coeffs, quad, expansion);
// if(ylb>yd){
// mpart::simple_swap(ylb,yub);
// mpart::simple_swap(xlb,xub);
// stepSize *= 2.0;
// }else{
// break;
// }
// }
// if(i>maxIts)
// ProcAgnosticError<MemorySpace, std::runtime_error>::error("InverseSingleBracket: lower bound iterations exceed maxIts");

// // We have a lower bound...
// }else{
// // Now find an upper bound...
// unsigned int i;
// for(i=0; i<maxIts; ++i){ // Could just be while(true), but want to avoid infinite loop
// xub = xlb+stepSize;
// yub = EvaluateSingle(workspace, cache, pt, xub, coeffs, quad, expansion);
// if(yub<yd){
// mpart::simple_swap(ylb,yub);
// mpart::simple_swap(xlb,xub);
// stepSize *= 2.0;
// }else{
// break;
// }
// }
// if(i>maxIts)
// ProcAgnosticError<MemorySpace,std::runtime_error>::error("InverseSingleBracket: upper bound calculation exceeds maxIts");
// }

// assert(ylb<yub);
// assert(xlb<xub);

// // Bracketed search
// const double k1 = 0.1;
// const double k2 = 2.0;
// const double nhalf = ceil(log2(0.5*(xub-xlb)/xtol));
// const double n0 = 1.0;

// double sigma, delta, rho;
// unsigned int it;
// for(it=0; it<maxIts; ++it){

// xb = 0.5*(xub+xlb); // bisection point
// xf = xlb - (yd-ylb)*(xub-xlb) / (yub-ylb); // regula-falsi point

// sigma = ((xb-xf)>0)?1.0:-1.0; // sign(xb-xf)
// delta = fmin(k1*pow((xub-xlb), k2), fabs(xb-xf));

// xf += delta*sigma;

// rho = fmin(xtol*pow(2.0, nhalf + n0 - it) - 0.5*(xub-xlb), fabs(xf - xb));
// xc = xb - sigma*rho;

// yc = EvaluateSingle(workspace, cache, pt, xc, coeffs, quad, expansion);

// if(abs(yc-yd)<ftol){
// return xc;
// }else if(yc>yd){
// mpart::simple_swap(yc,yub);
// mpart::simple_swap(xc,xub);
// }else{
// mpart::simple_swap(yc,ylb);
// mpart::simple_swap(xc,xlb);
// }

// // Check for convergence
// if(((xub-xlb)<xtol)||((yub-ylb)<ftol))
// break;
// };

// if(it>maxIts)
// ProcAgnosticError<MemorySpace,std::runtime_error>::error("InverseSingleBracket: Bracket search iterations exceeds maxIts");
// return 0.5*(xub+xlb);
// }

/** Give access to the underlying FixedMultiIndexSet
* @return The FixedMultiIndexSet
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