A flowchart based data pipeline development suit with an interface extended from the Nodz library.
- Easy to use flowchart system to create and connect nodes
- Allows for the development of fully working python pipelines
- Supports batch processing and bulk data analysis
- Supports the creation of custom node sets with the built in toolkit system
- Fully customizable settings UI for all nodes
- Global variable system that can be accessed by all nodes during runtime
- Signal passing using the Blinker library
Documentation is hosted on readthedocs and a local version is accessible from the help menu within the editor
- download and unzip the WARIO Editor
- Install the editor and its requirements as a module by navigating to the WARIO Editor folder and running
pip install .
- Run pip -m WarioEditor
- Python 3
- PyQt5
- PyQtWebEngine
- Blinker
- Graphviz
- Wario