This repository contains information on how to regain access to an EC2 instance in the event that the key file is lost.
The simplest way is to create a AMI of the instance and creating a new instance with a new key using the AMI
the following a way to do in the Production Env
Consider Having a Ubuntu instance called Instance-A and you have lost its key (.pem file)
create a new instance with same region and VPC as of the lost pem file instance. Name it as helper instance and create a new Key file for this (helperkey.pem).
Now stop the Instance-A file instance. Remember not to terminate instance but to stop it
Go to EBS volumes, select the root volume of the Instance-A and detach.
Attach the Instance-A volume to the helper (sdf) instance
Now start and Login to the helper instance and Mount the Attached Volume to a Folder in the Root volume
check for the attached volume
Mount it
mkdir /mnt/root-vol
mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/root-vol
check it
df -h
Copy the SSH auth keys to the attached Volume
cat /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /mnt/root-vol/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
unmount it
umount /mnt/root-vol/
Now Detach this attached volume and re-attach to the Instance-A
Now login with the helper key