first real project of IOT that alows you to control the brightness of the RGB Led using web server
-to run server first you need to install Node.js link:
second run "server check.bat" for first time(press ctrl+d to continue) then you can run server by run "start.bat" open web page and type your ip or "localhost"
-to edit server or webpage you you can use visual studio code link:
-for aduino you need these libraries :
- for esp8266 and nodeMCU use these libraries : #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WebSocketsClient.h>
- for esp32 use these libraries : #include <WiFi.h> #include <WebSocketsClient.h> #include <analogWrite.h>
-change these vlaues in (aruino-code.ino) depend on your server's settings :
//Wi-Fi settings : const char *ssid = "Wireless Name"; const char *pass = "Your Password";
//server ip , port number and page URL : #define SERVER "" #define PORT 80 #define URL "/"
//pins that RGB Led connected to : #define redPin 32 #define greenPin 33 #define bluePin 25