.NET Mailtrap client (This client uses API v2)
You can add this library to your project using [NuGet][nuget].
Package Manager Console Run the following command in the “Package Manager Console”:
PM> NuGet\Install-Package Mailtrap.NET -Version "version number"
Visual Studio Right click to your project in Visual Studio, choose “Manage NuGet Packages” and search for ‘Mailtrap.NET’ and click ‘Install’. ([see NuGet Gallery][nuget-gallery].)
.NET Core Command Line Interface Run the following command from your favorite shell or terminal:
dotnet add package Mailtrap.NET --version "version number"
You can initialize the client like the following:
var client = new MailtrapClient(new HttpClient(), new MailtrapApiConfiguration(new Uri("<api url>"), "<api token>"));
var response = await client.EmailSending.SendAsync(new EmailWithText(
from: new EmailInfo("sender@email.com"),
new EmailInfo ("recepient@email.com")
subject: "Custom Subject",
text: "Hello, I hope you received this email"));