Simple website to shorten long urls after login
This website has been developed using PHP, MySQL, and Symfony. When logged in as a User, you have the ability to create shortened links and include them in the ranking. Additionally, you can modify your password. In the role of a Moderator, you possess the authority to delete websites. If the 'accepting links' setting is enabled, you can either approve or reject websites with a specific reason. Moreover, you have the ability to review and delete messages. As an Administrator, you enjoy comprehensive access. This includes managing user accounts - altering roles or blocking users. There's also a 'accepting links' setting, which only allows you to change the status.
- Symfony 6.1.2
- Twig 3.4.1
- PHP 8.1.7
- MySQL 8.0.29
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- SweetAlert 2
- FontAwesome 6.1.2
To run this project you will need to install Symfony, PHP, Composer, NPM, and MySQL on your local machine.
If you have everything you can run these commands:
# Clone this respository
> git clone
# Go into the respository
> cd Symfony-ShortUrl-Website
# Install dependencies from lock file
> composer install
# Install packages from package.json
> npm install
# Compile assets
> npm run dev
In .env file change db_user, db_password, db_name
# Start server
> symfony server:start
# Create database
> symfony console doctrine:database:create
# Load migrations
> symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
# Create admin, mod, user and some shortened links
> symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load
# Access using
Now you can login using created accounts:
Role: Admin
Password: Admin1234
Role: Mod
Password: Mod1234
Role: User
Password: User1234
I'm constantly working on this project. I want to add some new features. :)
new page dedicated to notifications to tell user which website was deleted or canceled and I want to add button with icon located next to login/logout button- filtering pages, users and messages
new UIpaginationRESTful- asynchronous request
dark mode
Icon by
Feel free to contact me via email :D