Rain simulation build using Lua programming language and LÖVE 11.3 framework.
Instructions on how to run the program can be found at: https://love2d.org/wiki/Getting_Started#Running_Games
- Put the rain.lua file in the same directory as your main.lua file.
- You can use the library, in the main.lua, as in the following example:
Rain = require 'rain'
function love.load()
-- Window
windowWidth = 800
windowHeight = 600
love.window.setMode(windowWidth, windowHeight)
-- Rain variables
-- deltaX: distance in pixels from the x1 value of a rain line to the x2 value.
-- deltaY: distance in pixels from the y1 value of a rain line to the y2 value.
-- rainAmount: amount of rain drops.
deltaX = 3
deltaY = 10
rainAmount = 1000
-- Instantiate rain
rain = Rain:new (nil, windowWidth, windowHeight, deltaX, deltaY, rainAmount)
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
Rain sound is not included within the rain.lua file, it must be used as is in the main.lua file.
You can change the sound file or remove it if you want to.