The idea of this project is to provide some easy-to-read information about the order of learning Scala-related concepts which would make things easier on the reader rather than harder.
Order is presented using a directed graph. The reader could click on each concept to see a short description and a list of sources.
To contribute:
- fork the repository
- edit data.js file
- create a pull request to this repo
// returned value can be used to define this topic as required to learn another one
const newTopic = defineTopic(
// define a name - it will be also used to generate id by replacing all non-letters with '-''
'New topic',
// define a short description
`This will be a description`, // use backticks as they support multiline strings
// define list of sources (title and optional link)
defineSource('title', ''), // use trailing commas
Category.language, // if needed add a new category and define a color for it
// define a list of required topics to learn this one
anotherRequiredTopic, // use trailing comma here as well