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Automated containerized Ethereum (geth) Network using shell scripting, with sample python script to execute a smart contract.


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Containerized Ethereum Network

Automated containerized Ethereum (geth) Network using shell scripting, with sample python script to execute a smart contract.

Note that Blockchain & crypto currency are nascent technologies and can change at anytime.

So this setup might stop working in future.

There are many great guides and articles out there. This is a implementation which can be easily understood by any programer

This setup was tested on Windows & Ubuntu.


  1. docker or docker-toolbox (windows) should be installed.

  2. Install python 3.6

  3. Install build tools for visual studio 2017 from one of the link. It is 4+ gb download and takes 20-30min installation time.

    click here to know the reason

  4. Install git

  5. On Windows install git bash or cygwin. Linux users can skip this step.

  6. Clone my repository : git clone

  7. Update python setuptools : pip install --upgrade setuptools

  8. Change directory to the cloned git repo directory.

  9. Install python libs to interact with Ethereum Network : pip install -r requirements.txt

  10. Check docker is running : docker images

Build geth docker image

  1. geth is Ethereum client written in Go.
  2. We have a number of docker image options from custom docker image to official image.
  3. Build Custom image with name local/ethereumbase:latest: docker build -t "local/ethereumbase:latest" -f ./Dockerfile .
  4. Instead to use official Dockerfile-official-alltools-image build with docker build -t "ocal/ethereumbase:latest" -f ./Dockerfile-official-alltools-image .
  5. Check Docker image docker images

Start network

  • In bash shell change directory to cloned directory.
  • ./deploy
  • It will start
    • geth nodes : one bootnode, two miners and one eth node to interact : check Container IDs with docker ps
    • create a bridge network "ether_priv_net" between containers : check IP with docker network ls
    • disk volumes per nodes named as "bootnode_vol", "miner_1_vol" and so on : check with docker volume ls
    • Note: genesis.json is present in common folder
  • This network has 9 prefilled accounts. Check keystore.

Interact with network using command line in nodes

  • Miner node
    • Initial DAG creation will take 5/10 mins. Miner nodes will create initial DAG
    • check miner logs. On bash run docker log miner_1
    Generating DAG in progress               epoch=0 percentage=99 elapsed=19m41.071s
    Generating ethash verification cache     epoch=1 percentage=3  elapsed=3.284s
  • Eth client node
    • Mean while check accounts and balance on eth node
    • attach to eth node's geth console : docker exec -it eth geth attach
    • use geth console to check that block count is increasing each 10 sec as configured in genesis
    • use the below commands one by one.
    # might output 16 
    # 10
    #["0xa4b5db581bdee808c1896fac99ff22074885b079", "0x085db52a09584a953fab3046db4dd19474affc33", "0xe8c330a9112191ddcd65dd10f7ec60f32ab2067e", "0xf8ae31b2f7e68c36fff1370326aa6a7a9c586d69", "0x7eb19dbc863aa4f2e601b0e736a6000acc0e14b2", "0xc513ce206b0cd02b12b85796f87f6505cbf0e6f5"]
    • In this non bootnode check that it shows 2 peers admin.peers
    • Check your own address admin.nodeInfo.enode
    • Check below for more examples.

Stop network

  • In bash shell from cloned directory give ./shutdown
  • Note we created docker disk volumes, ./shutdown will not clear these.
  • Thus giving ./deploy to a ./shutdown network will start iit from last mined block.

Cleanup network

  • In bash shell from cloned directory give ./shutdown then ./cleanup

Console Example of Transcation : sending ether (crypto currency) to another address

  • Login to client node docker exec -it eth geth attach
  • eth.coinbase will produce your coinbase / purse hash. Example "0xa4b5db581bdee808c1896fac99ff22074885b079"
  • eth.accounts will show list of all accounts on this network.
    • These are visible here because they were add in genesis block
    • Output : ["0xa4b5db581bdee808c1896fac99ff22074885b079", "0x085db52a09584a953fab3046db4dd19474affc33", "0xe8c330a9112191ddcd65dd10f7ec60f32ab2067e", "0xf8ae31b2f7e68c36fff1370326aa6a7a9c586d69", "0x7eb19dbc863aa4f2e601b0e736a6000acc0e14b2", "0xc513ce206b0cd02b12b85796f87f6505cbf0e6f5"]
  • Send some ether to another account. It will output transaction hash.
Output : "0xf2b0f7ef1ee3dd6c9ae5857ca481354efa46277a241e3d5369c070a6a577358e"
  • using the Output hash get transaction receipt.
    • Note Transaction processing time == mining rate of block
    • for a unprocessed transaction
    Error: unknown transaction
        at web3.js:3143:20
        at web3.js:6347:15
        at web3.js:5081:36
        at <anonymous>:1:1
    • processed transaction
      blockHash: "0xd58bfda2fb8800c0c7ad3ce32c2523b3526e5602f9a8c506f6df785955f0a41b",
      blockNumber: 24,
      contractAddress: null,
      cumulativeGasUsed: 21000,
      from: "0xa4b5db581bdee808c1896fac99ff22074885b079",
      gasUsed: 21000,
      logs: [],
      logsBloom: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      status: "0x1",
      to: "0xae17b64a594024b4df2158f804795cfba0d356f2",
      transactionHash: "0xf2b0f7ef1ee3dd6c9ae5857ca481354efa46277a241e3d5369c070a6a577358e",
      transactionIndex: 0

Smart Contract

  • Ethereum uses "Solidity" programing language & online Compiler named "remix".
  • Code is quite comprehensible.
  • I have pre-compiled my smart contract code online & put in the python script.
  • This is another smart contract example.
  • My solidity code with comments
    pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
    contract auid{
        /* Define variable value of the type string */
        string value;
        /* Define variable owner of the type address */
        address owner;
        /* CTOR : This runs when the contract is executed */
        /* This function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract */
        function auid() public { owner = msg.sender; }
        /* DTOR : Function to recover the funds on the contract */
        function kill() public { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); }
        /* Main function */
        function setvalue(string _value) public {
            value = _value;
        /* Constant function => no charges to user to execute */
        function getvalue() public constant returns (string) {
            return value;
        // we can log events
        // event setvalue
        // array of viewers : To Be Done
        address [] viewers;
        function transferOwnership( address newOwner ) public {
          owner = newOwner;

Python client code

  • From cloned directory start python script interactively python -i
  • My python code JSONRPCBaseClient directly pushes compiled bytecode to deploy a smart contract.
    • JSONRPCBaseClient will connect to eth node on
  • In python console after first step select a password ``` password="UR_OWN_Password"
  • Create user userId = createuser( password )
  • Deploy contract fixed_contract_hash = a=deploy_contract( userId, password )
    • This operation will consume some gas ( actually smaller denomination of ether called wei ) because blockchain was modified.
      • "gas" is a proportion or a priority set by user. In this code I have defaulted the gas value to 1.
  • Set LandRecord trans_receipt = setdata( userId, password, fixed_contract_hash )
    • Each modify ie set operation will also consume gas.
    • In my actual project we saved a hash string which translated to a secured file server URL.
    • This URL was meaningless outside our server.
  • Get LandRecord getdata( fixed_contract_hash )
    • This doesn't modify blockchain so its free of any wei charge.


Automated containerized Ethereum (geth) Network using shell scripting, with sample python script to execute a smart contract.








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