Update 1.92 r9.0 by MasterMen, Original code and the whole game by Kevin Chen
Compile [Windows]:
- Download Source Code
- Install PSPSDK 0.10.0 or 0.11.0 or better in "C:\pspsdk"
- In Source Code: click on "mk3xx.bat" and wait.
- Put the output "EBOOT.PBP" in "bin" folder
- Rename "bin" folder into "CSPSP 1.92 r9.0" folder
- Put the game folder on your PSP (in "ms0/PSP/GAME/")
- Run the game. (It must be at the top of the list of your games/apps/etc.
- Download Notepad++ (For editing code) and Paint.NET 3/4 versions (For editing sprites/pictures/images)
- Start exploring the code from "GameState" files and start coding
- Compile the project