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137 lines (114 loc) · 6.83 KB


Documentation Status build codecov License: GPL v3 DOI

pysisyphus is a software-suite for the exploration of potential energy surfaces in ground- and excited states. It implements several methods to search for stationary points (minima and first order saddle points) and calculation of minimum energy paths by means of IRC and Chain of States methods like Nudged Elastic Band and Growing String. Furthermore it supports interpolation of geometries in internal coordinates.

The required energies, gradients and hessians are calculated by calling external quantum chemistry codes. pysisyphus can also be used as a library to implement custom quantum chemistry workflows.

This software is still work in progress. Use at your own risk. Also take a look at the license.

Contrubtions are welcome.

If any issues arise please open an issue and I'll try to fix it if possible and my time permits it.


pysisyphus provides several entry points that can be called from the shell (command line). The available commands of the entry points can be queried with the -h or --help arguments:

# Run calculations (Minima optimization, TS search, IRC, NEB, GS, ...)
# Plotting of path-energies, optimization progress, IRC progress, etc ...
# Manipulate a .trj file or multiple .xyz files


Called with a YAML-input file. Simple and more complex examples can be found in the examples directory of this repository. Some common arguments are given below:

usage: pysis [-h] [--clean] [--dryrun | --cp CP]

positional arguments:
    yaml                  Start pysisyphus with input from a YAML file.

optional arguments:
    --clean               Ask for confirmation before cleaning.
    --dryrun              Only generate a sample input (if meaningful) for
    --cp CP, --copy CP    Copy .yaml file and corresponding geometries to a new
                          directory. Similar to TURBOMOLEs cpc command.


Visualization/plotting of the pysisyphus calculations. Some common arguments are given below:

usage: pysisplot [-h] [--first FIRST] [--last LAST] [--h5 H5]
             [--orient ORIENT]
             (--cosgrad | --energies | --aneb | --all_energies | --bare_energies | --afir | --opt | --irc)

optional arguments:
    -h, --help           show this help message and exit
    --cosgrad, --cg      Plot image gradients along the path.
    --energies, -e       Plot energies.
    --aneb               Plot Adaptive NEB.
    --all_energies, -a   Plot ground and excited state energies from
    --bare_energies, -b  Plot ground and excited state energies from
    --afir               Plot AFIR and true -energies and -forces from an AFIR
    --opt                Plot optimization progress.
    --irc                Plot IRC progress.


Please see pysistrj --help for a list of available arguments.

Available calculators

Excited state capabilities

Program Gradient Hessian Exc. states Comment
Turbomole y y TD-DFT, TDA, ricc2 Tested with V7.2, V7.3 and V7.4. Only ground state hessians.
Gaussian16 y y tested TD-DFT, TDA
PySCF y y tested TD-DFT
OpenMOLCAS y - &rasscf Not derived from OverlapCalculator, so functionality may lag behind for now.

Ground states only

Program Gradient Hessian Comment
MOPAC2016 y y
XTB y y Tested with 6.2.2
QCEngine depends depends Capabilities depend on the program harness.
Psi4 y y

Pure python calculators & Wrappers

Program Gradient Hessian Comment
Sympy 2d potentials y y Many analytical potentials with gradients & hessian from sympy (LEPS, Rosenbrock, Cerjan-Miller, ...).
Lennard-Jones y - No periodic boundary conditions.
AFIR y - Wrapper for other pysisyphus calculators
ONIOM y - Arbitrary levels with multicenter-support in the highest level. Wraps other pysisyphus calculators
FakeASE y - Thin bare-bones wrapper for pysisyphus calculators so they can be used with ASE.

Available algorithms

Chain Of State (COS) Methods

Algorithm Coordinate system Comment Links
Nudged elastic band (NEB) Cartesian DLC planned, Climbing Image variants
Adaptive NEB Cartesian Not well tested
Free-End NEB Cartesian Not well tested
Simple zero temperature string Cartesian Equal-, and energy dependent spacing
Growing String method Cartesian, Delocalized internals

COS Optimizers

Algorithm Comment Links
Steepest Descent (SD) Backtracking variant
Conjugate Gradient (CG) Backtracking variant
QuickMin (QM)
BFGS Removal of translation & rotation is disabled.

Transition state optimization

Algorithm Comment Links
RS-P-RFO default choice,
RS-I-RFO RFO, Image function
TRIM Trust region Image function
Dimer method Hessian free TS search

Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate

  • Done in mass-weighted cartesian coordinates
  • Initial displacement from prescribed energy lowering along the transition vector or by length
Algorithm Comment Links
Modified EulerPC default choice,
Modified IMK
Damped velocity verlet
Gonzales-Schlegel 2
Euler method Not advisable
Runge-Kutta-4 Not advisable

Additional remarks

export TMPDIR=[tmpdir]