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chaowlert edited this page Apr 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

Flexible name

By default, Mapster will map property with case sensitive name. You can adjust to flexible name mapping by setting NameMatchingStrategy.Flexible to NameMatchingStrategy method. This setting will allow matching between PascalCase, camelCase, lower_case, and UPPER_CASE.


//type pair
TypeAdapterConfig<Foo, Bar>.NewConfig().NameMatchingStrategy(NameMatchingStrategy.Flexible);

Ignore cases

Flexible name could not map between MiXcAsE and MixCase, because flexible name will break MiXcAsE into Mi-Xc-As-E rather than just Mix-Case. In this case, we need to use IgnoreCase to perform case insensitive matching.


Prefix & Replace

For custom rules, you can use either ConvertSourceMemberName or ConvertDestinationMemberName up to which side you would like to convert. For example, you might would like to add m_ to all properties.

TypeAdapterConfig<Poco, Dto>.NewConfig()
    .NameMatchingStrategy(NameMatchingStrategy.ConvertSourceMemberName(name => "m_" + name));

This example is to replace foreign letter from name.

TypeAdapterConfig<Poco, Dto>.NewConfig()
    .NameMatchingStrategy(NameMatchingStrategy.ConvertSourceMemberName(name => name.Replace("Ä", "A"));

Naming Convention with IDictionary<string, T>

If you would like to change case from POCO to IDictionary<string, T> to camelCase, you can use ToCamelCase. Another way around, if you would like to map IDictionary<string, T> back to POCO, you can use FromCamelCase.

TypeAdapterConfig<Poco, Dictionary<string, object>>.NewConfig()
TypeAdapterConfig<Dictionary<string, object>, Poco>.NewConfig()

NOTE: mapping from IDictionary<string, T> to POCO, you can also use Flexible or IgnoreCase, but both will be slower since it will scan through dictionary entries rather than lookup.

Rule based Naming

You can change name based on rule by GetMemberName method. For example, if we would like to rename property based on JsonProperty attribute.

    .GetMemberName(member => member.GetCustomAttributes(true)
                                    .FirstOrDefault()?.PropertyName);  //if return null, property will not be renamed

Then in your class

public class Poco 
    public string Id { get; set; }


With above config, Id will be mapped to code.

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