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Atilla Lonny edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 6 revisions

Setting per type pair

You can easily create settings for a type mapping by using: TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig(). When NewConfig is called, any previous configuration for this particular TSource => TDestination mapping is dropped.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>
    .Ignore(dest => dest.Age)
    .Map(dest => dest.FullName,
        src => string.Format("{0} {1}", src.FirstName, src.LastName));

As an alternative to NewConfig, you can use ForType in the same way:

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>
        .Ignore(dest => dest.Age)
        .Map(dest => dest.FullName,
            src => string.Format("{0} {1}", src.FirstName, src.LastName));

ForType differs in that it will create a new mapping if one doesn't exist, but if the specified TSource => TDestination mapping does already exist, it will enhance the existing mapping instead of dropping and replacing it.

Global setting

Use global settings to apply policies to all mappings.


Then for individual type mappings, you can easily override the global setting(s).

TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig().PreserveReference(false);

Rule based settings

To set the setting at a more granular level. You can use the When method in global settings. In the example below, when any source type and destination type are the same, we will not the copy the Id property.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.When((srcType, destType, mapType) => srcType == destType)

In this example, the config would only apply to Query Expressions (projections).

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.When((srcType, destType, mapType) => mapType == MapType.Projection)

Destination type only

A setting can also be created without knowing the source type, by using ForDestinationType. For example, you can do AfterMapping setting to validate after mapping.

                    .AfterMapping(dest => dest.Validate());

NOTE: ForDestinationType above will always apply to all types assignable to IValidator. If destination class implements IValidator, it will also apply the AfterMapping config.

Open generics

If the mapping type is generic, you can create a setting by passing generic type definition to ForType.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.ForType(typeof(GenericPoco<>), typeof(GenericDto<>))
    .Map("value", "Value");
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