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Before after mapping

devbased edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

Before mapping action

You can perform actions before mapping started by using BeforeMapping method.

TypeAdapterConfig<Foo, Bar>.ForType()
    .BeforeMapping((src, result) => result.Initialize());

After mapping action

You can perform actions after each mapping by using AfterMapping method. For instance, you might would like to validate object after each mapping.

TypeAdapterConfig<Foo, Bar>.ForType()
    .AfterMapping((src, result) => result.Validate());

Or you can set for all mappings to types which implemented a specific interface by using ForDestinationType method.

    .AfterMapping(result => result.Validate());

Before & after mapping in code generation

BeforeMapping and AfterMapping accept action which allowed you to pass multiple statements. In code generation, you might need to pass expression instead of action using BeforeMappingInline and AfterMappingInline, expression can be translated into code, but action cannot.

Single line statement

For single line statement, you can directly change from BeforeMapping and AfterMapping to BeforeMappingInline and AfterMappingInline.

    .AfterMappingInline(result => result.Validate());

Multiple statements

For multiple statements, you need to declare a method for actions.

public static void Validate(Dto dto) {

Then you can reference the method to BeforeMappingInline and AfterMappingInline.

    .AfterMappingInline(result => PocoToDtoMapper.Validate(result));

Before and After mapping have overloads with destination parameter

You can use BeforeMapping with destination to construct final (result) object.

TypeAdapterConfig<IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable<int>>.NewConfig()
  .BeforeMapping((src, result, destination) =>
    if (!ReferenceEquals(result, destination) && destination != null && result is ICollection<int> resultCollection)
      foreach (var item in destination)

IEnumerable<int> source = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, };
IEnumerable<int> destination = new List<int> { 0, };

var result = source.Adapt(destination);

destination.ShouldBe(new List<int> { 0, });
source.ShouldBe(new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, });
result.ShouldBe(new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, });

Same with AfterMapping.

TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig()
  .ConstructUsing((simplePoco, dto) => new SimpleDto())
  .AfterMapping((src, result, destination) => result.Name += $"{destination.Name}xxx");

var poco = new SimplePoco
  Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
  Name = "test",

var oldDto = new SimpleDto { Name = "zzz", };
var result = poco.Adapt(oldDto);

result.Name.ShouldBe(poco.Name + "zzzxxx");
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