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How To Add Locales

Agustinus Yohannes edited this page Aug 19, 2022 · 1 revision

Guide to Add new Locale

  1. To add a language, just duplicate en-US.json, rename with Locale code and edit it, change everythings that need to change.
  2. Some languages keep character and weapon names in English, if the language you want to add has its own name for the characters/weapons you can localize it by duplicating the en-US.json file in the characters and weapons folders too.
  3. Then navigate to /src/lib/helpers/i18n.js. Insert the new locale code into supportedLocales array, if you also localize character/weapon, insert the new locale code to itemLocales array as well.
    const supportedLocales = ['en-US', 'id-ID', 'ru-RU', 'zh-CN', 'new-LOCALE'];
    const itemLocales = ['en-US', 'ru-RU', 'zh-CN', 'new-LOCALE'];

It might take a long time to type all the text manually, so here are some links from the official site that you can open and copy the text

Replace LANGUAGE_CODE with language that you want to add, like en, es, fr, vi, ja, th, or others language that available in genhsin impact game.

  1. Beginners' Wish
  2. Standard Wish
  3. Character Event Wish (Yoimiya Banner)
  4. Weapon Wish