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MangoPay SDK

MangoPaySDK is a python client library to work with MangoPay REST API.


SDK has been written in Python 3.3 and depends on requests and requests-oauthlib packages.

We strongly recommend using PIP as installation method:

pip install mangopaysdk


MangoPaySDK is distributed under MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Unit Tests (not included in pip package)

cd project_directory

# discovers and runs ALL tests:
python -m unittest

# runs single module/class/method:
python -m unittest test_module1 test_module2
python -m unittest test_module.TestClass
python -m unittest test_module.TestClass.test_method


Report bugs or suggest features using issue tracker at GitHub.

Sample usage

from mangopaysdk.mangopayapi import MangoPayApi
api = MangoPayApi()

# get some user by id
john = api.users.Get(someId)

# change and update some of his data
john.LastName += " - CHANGED"

# get all users (with pagination)
from mangopaysdk.types.pagination import Pagination
pagination = Pagination(1, 8) # get 1st page, 8 items per page
users = api.users.GetAll(pagination)

# get his bank accounts
pagination = Pagination(2, 10) # get 2nd page, 10 items per page
accounts = api.users.GetBankAccounts(john.Id, pagination)

Client creation example (you need to call it only once)

from mangopaysdk.mangopayapi import MangoPayApi
api = MangoPayApi()

client = api.clients.Create('your-client-id', 'your-client-name', '')
print(client.Passphrase) # you receive your password here

Configuration example

from mangopaysdk.mangopayapi import MangoPayApi
api = MangoPayApi()

api.Config.ClientId = 'your-client-id'
api.Config.ClientPassword = 'your-client-password'
print(api.Config.BaseUrl) # you probably dont have to change it

# call some API methods...
users = api.users.GetAll()