- Find Your Language Code here.
- Always use the latest template (0000.lang).
- Use hex code(number) of your language.
- Please use your GitHub username as Translator in MetaData section.
- All strings must be filled out to be accepted.
- Due to space restrictions, translations do not have to be 1:1.
- Please do not use slang, due to it being hard to judge/approve.
- Ideally, file must be at least UTF-8 encoded.
- Files will be converted to UTF-16 upon usage
- The GitHub editor will save this way by default
- Go to folder: %localappdata%\WhyNotWin11\langs
- Find your language code
- Edit file and relaunch application
- Open issue or pull request
- In the title please include language name and whether you add a new one or update existing
Translation will (most likely) be checked using mechanical translation.
Previous translators will be notified and will have 24h to reply. After all parties agree, translation will be updated.
- Link your GitHub to your Discord
- Tag rcmaehl#2289 on the Official Discord for translator role