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Serialize protobuf message - Java

Hi everyone, welcome back to the second half of the gRPC lecture 9. In the previous lecture, we have learned how to serialize protobuf message in Go. Now let's switch to Java.

Generate random protobuf messages

Open the Gradle project that we've set up in previous lecture. I'm gonna create a new package name com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.sample inside src/main/java folder and create a Generator class in it. The implementation will be very similar to what we have done in Go.

Generate a random keyboard

First, the NewKeyboard function. It's super easy to create a protobuf message in Java because protoc has generated for us a lot of builder and setter functions. Here, we just call Keyboard.newBuilder() and chain it with setLayout() function with randomKeyboardLayout() as its parameter.


In Intellij IDEA, we can use Option + Enter (on macOS) or Alt + Enter (on Win and Linux) to open the code suggestion. I will choose "Create a new method" and the randomKeyboardLayout() method will be automatically created. Similarly, we can chain the builder with the setBacklit() function. Now we need to use a Random object to generate random values. So I will add a private rand here.

private Random rand;

And initialize it inside the Generator constructor.

public Generator() {
    rand = new Random();

If we press Command (on macOS) or Ctrl (Win or Linux) and click on this new Random() we will go to its implementation. Here we can see that the random generator is already using a time-based seed. So we don't need to set it manually as we did in Go. OK, now we can use rand.nextBoolean() to set the backlit field like this.


And finally call build() function to build the keyboard object and return it.

public Keyboard NewKeyboard() {
    return Keyboard.newBuilder().

The implementation of randomKeyboardLayout() function is pretty simple. With the help of rand.NextInt(), just like what we did in Go with rand.Intn() we can return QWERTY, QWERTZ or AZERTY based on the random value.

private Keyboard.Layout randomKeyboardLayout() {
    switch (rand.nextInt(3)) {
        case 1:
            return Keyboard.Layout.QWERTY;
        case 2:
            return Keyboard.Layout.QWERTZ;
            return Keyboard.Layout.AZERTY;

Generate a random CPU

Next, NewCPU() function. We will need a random CPU brand, which can be either "Intel" or "AMD".

public CPU NewCPU() {
    String brand = randomCPUBrand();

private String randomCPUBrand() {
    return randomStringFromSet("Intel", "AMD");

Let's write a randomStringFromSet function to return a random string in a set. The idea is all the same as before. We use rand.NextInt to get a random index and return the string at that position.

private String randomStringFromSet(String ...a) {
    int n = a.length;
    if (n == 0) {
        return "";
    return a[rand.nextInt(n)];

The CPU name will be randomly generated based on the brand. As we have only 2 brands, I will just use a simple if here.

public CPU NewCPU() {
    // ...
    String name = randomCPUName(brand);

private String randomCPUName(String brand) {
    if (brand == "Intel") {
        return randomStringFromSet(
                "Xeon E-2286M",
                "Core i9-9980HK",
                "Core i7-9750H",
                "Core i5-9400F",
                "Core i3-1005G1"
    return randomStringFromSet(
            "Ryzen 7 PRO 2700U",
            "Ryzen 5 PRO 3500U",
            "Ryzen 3 PRO 3200GE"

The number of cores can be easily generated with the randomInt function. It will return a random integer between min and max. This formula is the same with what we have used in Go. Similar for the number of threads. We use randomInt to generate a number between number cores and 12.

public CPU NewCPU() {
    /// ...

    int numberCores = randomInt(2, 8);
    int numberThreads = randomInt(numberCores, 12);
private int randomInt(int min, int max) {
    return min + rand.nextInt(max - min + 1);

Same for the frequencies, except that we must define a function to generate a random double number between min and max. It's a bit different from randomInt because the nextDouble function returns a number between 0 and 1.

public CPU NewCPU() {
    // ...
    double minGhz = randomDouble(2.0, 3.5);
    double maxGhz = randomDouble(minGhz, 5.0);
private double randomDouble(double min, double max) {
    return min + rand.nextDouble() * (max - min);

Now all we have to do is to create a new builder, use the setter functions to set the value for all fields, then build the object and return it.

public CPU NewCPU() {
    // ...

    return CPU.newBuilder()

Generate a random GPU

OK, the CPU is done, now the GPU. We will write a function to return a random GPU brand which can be NVIDIA or AMD. Then we generate a random GPU name based on the brand. Again, I will use a simple if here and paste in some values.

public GPU NewGPU() {
    String brand = randomGPUBrand();
    String name = randomGPUName(brand);

private String randomGPUBrand() {
    return randomStringFromSet("NVIDIA", "AMD");

private String randomGPUName(String brand) {
    if (brand == "NVIDIA") {
        return randomStringFromSet(
                "RTX 2060",
                "RTX 2070",
                "GTX 1660-Ti",
                "GTX 1070"

    return randomStringFromSet(
            "RX 590",
            "RX 580",
            "RX 5700-XT",
            "RX Vega-56"

The min and max frequencies are generated using the randomDouble function that we have defined before. It's very similar to the CPU, just one different thing is that we have to build the memory object. Let's say we want it to be between 2 and 6 gigabytes. The Memory Unit enum was generated for us, so all we need to do is to use it.

public GPU NewGPU() {
    // ...

    double minGhz = randomDouble(1.0, 1.5);
    double maxGhz = randomDouble(minGhz, 2.0);

    Memory memory = Memory.newBuilder()
            .setValue(randomInt(2, 6))

Then we can build the GPU and set value for its fields. The setter functions that protoc has generated for us are very convenient.

public GPU NewGPU() {
    // ...
    return GPU.newBuilder()

Generate a random RAM

Now we're done with GPU, the next thing is RAM. It's almost identical to the GPU memory. We create a builder, set the memory size from 4 to 64 gigabytes, then build and return it.

public Memory NewRAM() {
    return Memory.newBuilder()
            .setValue(randomInt(4, 64))

Generate a random storage

OK, now the storage. We have 2 separate methods for creating SSD and HDD. For the SSD, the memory size will be from 128 to 1024 gigabytes. Alright, now we will set the driver to be SSD, then we set the memory and build the object.

public Storage NewSSD() {
    Memory memory = Memory.newBuilder()
            .setValue(randomInt(128, 1024))
    return Storage.newBuilder()

I will duplicate this function and change it for HDD. This time the memory size will be from 1 to 6 terabytes and the driver must be HDD.

public Storage NewHDD() {
    Memory memory = Memory.newBuilder()
            .setValue(randomInt(1, 6))

    return Storage.newBuilder()

Generate a random screen

The screen is also not difficult at all. We will set the height to be a random integer between 1080 and 4320 and calculate the width from the height with the ratio of 16 by 9. Now we create a new resolution object with the random generated value of height and width. Then we will make a new screen. The size of the screen will be between 13 and 17 inches. We will write a randomFloat function for this which is similar to randomDouble function we wrote before. Now the screen panel. Let's write a separate random function for it. There are only 2 types of panel, either IPS or OLED. The last field we have to set is the multitouch which is just a random boolean.

public Screen NewScreen() {
    int height = randomInt(1080, 4320);
    int width = height * 16 / 9;

    Screen.Resolution resolution = Screen.Resolution.newBuilder()

    return Screen.newBuilder()
            .setSizeInch(randomFloat(13, 17))

private Screen.Panel randomScreenPanel() {
    if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
        return Screen.Panel.IPS;
    return Screen.Panel.OLED;

private float randomFloat(float min, float max) {
    return min + rand.nextFloat() * (max-min);

Generate a random laptop

Finally we can build a random Laptop. We need a random brand, "Apple", "Dell", or "Lenovo". And a random name depending on the brand. We use switch case statement here to generate the correct name of the brand. Then define the weight in kilograms, the price in USD, and the release year. Now just call Laptop.newBuilder() and chain it with all setter functions of each component. Note that for GPUs and Storages, we use Add instead of Set because they're repeated fields, which is a list of objects instead of 1 single object. Other fields are quite simple to set. The updateAt field is a bit tricky to set compared to Go. Since we don't have a function to get the current time as protobuf.Timestamp object. So let's implement this timestampNow() function on our own. First we use the of the java.time package to get the time at the moment. Then we build the Timestamp object from it. OK, now the NewLaptop function is ready.

public Laptop NewLaptop() {
    String brand = randomLaptopBrand();
    String name = randomLaptopName(brand);

    double weightKg = randomDouble(1.0, 3.0);
    double priceUsd = randomDouble(1500, 3500);

    int releaseYear = randomInt(2015, 2019);

    return Laptop.newBuilder()

private Timestamp timestampNow() {
    Instant now =;
    return Timestamp.newBuilder()

private String randomLaptopName(String brand) {
    switch (brand) {
        case "Apple":
            return randomStringFromSet("Macbook Air", "MacbookPro");
        case "Dell":
            return randomStringFromSet("Latitude", "Vostro", "XPS", "Alienware");
            return randomStringFromSet("ThinkPad X1", "Thinkpad P1", "Thinkpad P53");

private String randomLaptopBrand() {
    return randomStringFromSet("Apple", "Dell", "Lenovo");

We will type psvm to create a main function and try it. First we create a new Generator, then generator.NewLaptop() to create a new laptop. And print its data to the standard output. OK, let's run it.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Generator generator = new Generator();
    Laptop laptop = generator.NewLaptop();

Very nice! We can see the laptop information here.

Serialize protobuf messages

Next, we will create a new serializer package (com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.serializer) and add a Serializer class inside it.

Read/write protobuf message from/to binary file

Similar as before, we will implement 2 functions to write a Laptop object to a binary file and read it back. For the writing part, all we have to do is to create a FileOutputStream with the specified filename and call laptop.writeTo() that output stream. Similarly, for the reading part we create a new FileInputStream with the file we want to read. Then we just call Laptop.parseFrom() that input stream.

package com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.serializer;

import com.github.techschool.pcbook.pb.Laptop;


public class Serializer {
    public void WriteBinaryFile(Laptop laptop, String filename) throws IOException {
        FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
    public Laptop ReadBinaryFile(String filename) throws IOException {
        FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
        Laptop laptop = Laptop.parseFrom(inStream);
        return laptop;
    public void WriteJSONFile(Laptop laptop, String filename) {

Write unit tests

Now I'm gonna show you how to write unit tests for these functions with JUnit. Put cursor on class name (Serializer). As you can see, there's a light bulb icon on top of the Serializer class. Just click it, then select "Create Test". A window appears to allow us config the unit test we want to generate.

Config-test-options Picture 1 - Config test options.

Here I'm gonna use JUnit4. The class name SerializerTest looks good. In the "Generate test methods for" section, I will choose the WriteBinaryFile function and click OK. Actually in this unit test, I'm gonna test both write and read functions, so I will change this method name a bit to reflect that. Alright, first we declare a binary file name which is laptop.bin, then we generate a new laptop1 object. We create a new Serializer object and call serializer.WriteBinaryFile to write laptop1 to the file. After that, we read back the content of the file into another laptop2 object. And we assert that the 2 objects: laptop1 and laptop2 should be equal. Go to Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle and change Run tests using: from Gradle (Default) to IntelliJ IDEA. OK, now let's click this icon to run the test.

package com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.serializer;

import com.github.techschool.pcbook.pb.Laptop;
import com.gitlab.techschool.pcbook.sample.Generator;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;


public class SerializerTest {

    public void writeAndReadBinaryFile() throws IOException {
        String binaryFile = "laptop.bin";
        Laptop laptop1 = new Generator().NewLaptop();

        Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
        serializer.WriteBinaryFile(laptop1, binaryFile);

        Laptop laptop2 = serializer.ReadBinaryFile(binaryFile);
        Assert.assertEquals(laptop1, laptop2);

On the bottom left corner, we can see the test results. If you see a green tick like this, it means the test passed.


Picture 2 - Tests passed.

And yes, the laptop.bin file was generated here.

Write protobuf message to JSON file

Next we will write a function to save laptop object to a JSON file. To do this, we need to add 1 more dependency to the build.gradle file. It's the protobuf-java-util. You can search for it on the maven repository if you want. But actually, we just need to duplicate this line

implementation group: '', name: 'protobuf-java', version: '3.15.6'

and add -util to the name. Then save the file. Now if we expand the External Libraries section, we can see that Intellij IDEA has downloaded the protobuf-java-util library for us right here. Now we can use the JsonFormat.printer() function from the library. Chain it with some configurations, such as including default value fields, and preserving proto field names. Then create the JSON string by calling printer.print(laptop). The rest is just writing that JSON string to a file. Now let's create a main function to test it. I will read the laptop.bin file into a laptop object. Then write it to laptop.json file. The bin file is here, in root folder, so let's run this to create the JSON file.

public class Serializer {
    // ...

    public void WriteJSONFile(Laptop laptop, String filename) throws IOException {
        JsonFormat.Printer printer = JsonFormat.printer()

        String jsonString = printer.print(laptop);
        FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(filename);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
        Laptop laptop = serializer.ReadBinaryFile("laptop.bin");
        serializer.WriteJSONFile(laptop, "laptop.json");

Yee, the file is created! Just like before, the size of the JSON file is about 5 times as big as the binary file. One last thing before we finish I will try to read a binary file that was generated by our Go code. First, let's delete the laptop.bin and laptop.json file. Then go to the Go project and copy the tmp/laptop.bin to our IdeaProjects/pcbook folder. OK it's here. Now lets run the main file. The JSON file was successfully generated. Now let's compare this JSON file with the one in out Go project. Yes, they are completely identical! So it worked! It proves that a binary protobuf message generated by one program can be read correctly by any other program written in another language. And that wraps up our lecture about protobuf message serialization in Go and Java. In the next lecture, we will learn how to implement our first gRPC. To recall there are 4 types of gRPC: unary, client streaming, server streaming and bidirectional streaming. We will start with the first and simplest one: Unary. So happy coding and I will see you later!