Make sure you have a somewhat recent python version
[OPTIONAL] If you want to use
instead, install poetry- Add environment variable
with the value true. Can be done by running:cp example.env .env
- Add environment variable
sh loaddemo.sh
Then go to
and login using the accounts created & shown to you during the loaddemo.sh script.
Or use URLs such as
curl -H "X-Bearer: Foo" -F tag=1-2-4
to check the API (this assumes local.py to contain the Foo password; see debug.py) and some machine given a node name.
Make sure pre-commit
is installed when committing. This can be done by installing using poetry (pre-commit is a dev dependency) or manually installing pre-commit with the instructions found here.
Once pre-commit
is installed, you can run pre-commit install
to install the necessary git hooks. After this you're set to commit!
There are pipelines running pre-commit is as well to check whether pre-commit was run successfully. If any issues arise in the pipeline, first try to run pre-commit locally using pre-commit run --all-files
Create member, progress status from initial to full (i.e. with 24x7 key)
Checkboxes for things such as 'form on file', member-in-good-standing
Management of groups (e.g. people that can give instruction)
Creation of new machines and groups
Overview rfid cards
Reports on bins & (big/overdue) storage permits.
- lists or OK/deny on tag's. based on just being a member based on having had instructions based on an actual permit
Initial contact / request membership (no auth)
password reset.
activate (new) card, retire old.
record whom you have given instruction to.
report accident
report outages activate lockout
location members bin visible to all
storage permits & durations for things that do not fit in the members bin. request visible to all
track ordering of spares.
- Very 'standard' approach - so ops and code evolving does not rely on a few skilled people.
- Some 10's of machines
- Low 100's of users
- User changes his/her details -> email trustees
- Someone adds instructions -> email trustees ? deelnemers ?
- Any mutations on storage space - email deelnemers Email owner separare if the change is made by someone else but the owner. Email trusteeds if > 30 days or extension on a auto-approve 30 days.
- Box changes - email trusteeds Email owner separare if the change is made by someone else but the owner.
Normal Django users; Members adds a field to that (form on file). May add more in the future (e.g. emergency contact).
Machines Machines or things that you can interact with (like doors). May require instructions May require the waiver to be on file. May require a 'permit' of a specific type.
Permits E.g. allowed to open doors. May require a permit to be issued (one deep)
Entitlements of a specific permi Assigned to a user (owner) by an issuer. issuer must have the entitlement himself. issuer must ALSO have the permit specified in the permit, i.e. the instruction permit, if so specified (one deep)