Create a directory bsseA _permission_test in /home/[username] directory.
Cd into bsseA _permission_test.
Create a file data.txt using following command:
- echo “This is a test file to inspect and modify permissions” > data.txt
- Check the content of data.txt using following command:
- cat data.txt
create a dirA in pwd using “mkdir dirA” command
Check default permissions of dirA and data.txt using ls –l commad
Change the permission of data.txt using octal digits as
- All users can only read and write [confirm using ls –l ]
- Only group can read write and execute [confirm using ls –l ]
- Change the permission of dirA using octal digits as
- owner can only execute and write & group can read and execute & other can read and write [confirm using ls –l ]
- Owner and other can read and execute [confirm using ls –l ]
- Set permissions of data.txt using symbol to:
- –rw-rw----
- –rwx rwx rwx
- -rw-rw-rw-
- Set permissions of dirA using symbol to:
- –rw-rw---x
- –rwxr-xr-x
- --w-r--rw-