We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment, committing to a harassment-free experience for every contributor and community member. We value diversity and aim to create a space where individuals of all backgrounds feel welcome.
In upholding a positive atmosphere, we encourage behaviors such as empathy, kindness, and respect for diverse perspectives. Constructive feedback is embraced, and we emphasize a collective focus on what benefits the entire community.
Unacceptable behavior includes the use of sexualized language, trolling, harassment, and the unauthorized sharing of private information.
Project maintainers play a crucial role in upholding these standards, ensuring fair and appropriate corrective actions when necessary. They have the authority to edit or remove contributions that violate our Code of Conduct and may issue temporary or permanent bans for behavior deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
This Code of Conduct applies universally, governing conduct in all community spaces and instances where an individual officially represents the community. Representations include using official communication channels, posting through sanctioned social media accounts, or serving as an appointed representative at events, online or offline.
Instances of unacceptable behavior should be reported to community leaders at fredsg222@gmail.com for prompt and fair review. Privacy and security of the reporter are paramount, and all community leaders are committed to respecting them during the investigation process.