Create a looping status task for your or all other forks of such as disnake, pycord, etc bot. All types of status types included. Click Here to Learn How you can host your Discord Bots 24/7 Online for free of cost
Monitor Uptime and Create Status Pages of your Websites, Bots, Domains status for free at:
First of all setup the basic bot. Additionally you can check the [if you are using other forks of then just change the discord
text from all the over the codes into that fork's name]
Also make sure to import these:
import discord
import asyncio
from discord.ext import tasks, commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from discord.ext.commands import Context
First of all in bot event: on_ready
include a new line status_task.start()
[if you noy added then add:
async def on_ready():
status_task.start() #to start the looping task
then we need to setup the task. now after that add this structure:
async def status_task() -> None:
#put the upcoming codes here
Now let's complete the code:
await bot.change_presence(status=STATUS-HERE, activity=ACTIVITY-HERE)
await asyncio.sleep(TIME)
This is the main format and by adding this multiple times you will be able to create a looping task. We just need to change the STATUS-HERE
text to set a status with custom activity.
Here's the list of all available Statuses:
discord.Status.dnd #To set status to DND
discord.Status.idle #To set status to Idle #To set status to Online
Here's The List of all Available Activity Types:
#streaming Activity.
discord.Streaming(name="stream name", url="stream url")
# Gaming Activity.
discord.Game("Name of the Game")
#listening Activity
discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name="name of the music")
#watching Activity
discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name="name of the movie")
Check the
for understanding the codes better. Thanks