A curated list of Mafia Tools and Resources brought to you by MafiaHub.
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To start modding Mafia, you need an arsenal of various editors, but what's even more important... You NEED MafiaDataXTractor
- MafiaDataXTractor - Extracts .dta files of Mafia to allow for modding and editing. For Mafia 1.0 use MafiaDataXTractor 1.0, for Mafia 1.1/1.2/1.3 use MafiaDataXTractor 1.1 : To correctly extract the .dta files, place the MafiaDataXTractor to your Mafia game directory where Game.exe is located and run MafiaDataXTractor as Administrator!
- Mafcapone - Mission editor for Mafia
- Capone - Mission editor for Mafia 1.0 ONLY
- LS3D Sandbox - ! Unsure of functionality !
- LS3D Sandbox 2 - ! Unsure of functionality !
Mafia has a special collision file called "tree.klz"
- TreeRE - Collision editor
- LS3D Lightmapper - Most advanced 3D lightmap editor based on LS3D Sandbox (supports ray-tracing Lightmap Generation)
- LMToner - ??? Can create colored lightmaps?
- LmapGen 2 - ??? Clones lightmap from .4ds model to another .4ds model?
- Shadow Generator - ???
Mafia uses a special scripting language, it has no official name but the community adopted the name "Mafia Script"
- Project Angelo - In-game script editor and debugger for Mafia 1.0 ONLY!
- BScriptView - Scene2.bin editor and Script editor
- DCED 2 - Scene2 editor and Script editor, also known as "DONCity Editor 2"
Mafia's text is stored in tables with a .def extension
- CSVtoDEF - Converts .csv file sheet into Mafia .def text file
- Car Index Editor - ???
- M Editor - Can edit various texts and values such as .def files, vehicle settings, loading screens, GUI and more
- Mafia Car Value Editor - Can edit car settings, editor has English, Czech and Russian versions
- Mafia Editor (.def) - Can edit .def text files
- Mafia Text Editor - Can edit .def text files
- Mafia Value Editor - Can edit Scene2.bin, car settings and weapon settings
- Mafia Weapons Editor - Can edit weapon settings
- Mafia Weapon Value Editor - Can edit weapon settings
- Predmety.def Editor - Can edit predmety.def (file of weapon and item values)
- RHAM - Can edit car values, to change language to english, create "lang.txt" where RHAM.exe is stored with text en inside the file
- SSDM - Can edit textdb .def file (subtitles and text)
Scene2.bin is a soul of every Mafia mission as it houses everything the player can interact with
- Boz Scene Tree Editor - Can edit all values of Scene2.bin mission file
- Scena2 Editor 1 - Can edit Scene2.bin, tool is in Russian language
- Scene2 Manager - ???
- SCn2 Tractor - ???
- Cache Fu!cker - ???
- Cache.bin Editor - Can edit position and values of cache.bin
- CacheRE - Can edit all values of cache.bin
Check.bin is a file where the pedestrian and vehicle mesh networks are stored, it is used for custom navigation for car and humans entities
- Check.bin Editor - Can edit and create check.bin navigation mesh for pedestrians, vehicles, enemies and more
- CheckRE - Can edit check.bin to add pedestrians and vehicles
Road.bin is a file where car navigation network is stored
- Road.bin Creator - Can create Road.bin file from scratch from values given by the user, tool can be switched to English or Russian language
- Road.bin Editor (by djbozkosz) - Can edit car navigation network
- RoadRE - ??? Can edit the speed and drive side of cars?
- MafiaDataXTractor - Most popular program for extracting .dta files
- DTAUnpacker - Commandline program for unpacking .dta files
- DTA Packer - Adds modified files into .dta file (documentation needed)
- DTA Unpacker - Extract files from .dta files of Mafia, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Chameleon
- Mafia Console - Mafia Console, also known as MafiaCon. Adds a console to Mafia with many commands and functions. Latest version exclusively brought to you by MafiaHub
- Mafia DTA Extractor Tool - Exctracts Mafia's .dta files (includes preset extraction keys for billboard and patch DTA files and all other common DTA files)
- Car Changer - ???
- TACO-M - Mafia memory manipulation tool
- def2bbrd - ???
- DNC Extractor - Can export and import .dnc files from and to scene2.bin file (for use with DCED 2)
- Dog Maker - Creates .dnc files of a dog using specified values by the user
- Draw Distance Unlimiter - Patches cache.bin of a selected mission to increase draw distance (follow instructions given by the program)
- Effects.bin Editor - Can edit effects.bin file to add or remove particle effects from a mission
- Glow Maker - ???
- GmfRE - ??? Making custom font for Mafia?
- CHG Editor - ???
- CHG Maker - ??? Some script creator/editor?
- Mafia 1.0 Plus - Makes Mafia 1.0 playable alongside patched newer versions : Delisted for copyright concerns
- Mafia Car Adder and Remover - ??? Can add new cars and remove cars?
- Mafia Car Installer - ??? Can add new cars?
- Mafia GetPos - ??? for Mafia 1.0 ONLY!
- Mafia Load Editor - Can add and edit loading screens for missions
- Mafia Hack - MafiaHack is a development and cheating tool for Mafia
- MED - Facial Animation Editor
- MemSup - This tool let's you instantly exit Mafia by pressing the key bound to 'Objectives'. Works only in Freeride
- Mafia Menu Editor (by djbozkosz) - Tool for adding, modifying and deleting menu items in the Mafia game, which are stored in menu.def file
- Mafia Menu Editor - Can edit .def menu file
- Metro and Salina Editor - ??? Can edit above ground train and tram navigation points?
- MEXED - ???
- Mexer - Can edit camera position, tool is in Russian and English language. Mafia 1.2 is not supported
- MCHDSR - ???
- Orure - ??? Weapon value editor?
- Pos Tool - ??? for Mafia 1.0 ONLY!
- Camera Mod - Camera tool for making animated camera rail paths for Mafia 1.0 ONLY!
- Rmorf.bin Editor - Can edit Rmorf.bin for making animated objects like flags or sea waves, tool is in English and Russian
- Sound Maker - Can add sounds to a user specified sector and coordinates, outputs .dnc file for use with DCED 2
- Texture Resizer (by djbozkosz) - A simple tool for batch converting textures to a power of two format
- Zanoza Modeler v1.07b + Patch - Zanoza Modeler, also known as ZModeler is an old 3D modeling program used for making custom Mafia models back in the day. This archive includes a Patch to version 1.07c and a Russian language convertor (Converts the editor language to Russian)
- SDPA 1 - ???
.4ds is LS3D model file
- 4ds Converter - Converts .4ds model files to .obj and .wrl for use with 3D Modeling Programs (16 BIT PROGRAM)
- 4ds Distance fix - ??? Probably makes model visible on long distances?
- 4ds From PS2 Converter - Converts .4ds models from Mafia on PS2 to models for use on Mafia PC
- 4ds Texture Manager - ???
- Light Sector Cleaner - ??? Removes light sources from sectors?
- 4ds Unlocker - Makes .4ds model file able to be edited with Zanoza Modeler and possibly other 3D Modeling Programs
- 4ds View - .4ds Model viewer
- Boz 4ds Full Manager - Can edit all values of .4ds model
- Mafia World & Model Viewer - .4ds model and mission viewer
.5ds is LS3D animation file
- 5ds Converter - Converts .3ds Animation file to .5ds Animation file for use with Mafia
Addons and plugins for various 3D Modeling Programs for use with Mafia's file formats
- Noesis .4ds Plugin - Plugin for importing LS3D .4ds model
- Blender Mafia 4ds Addon - Addon for importing and exporting Mafia .4ds model for Blender 2.8
- 3DS Max Import-Export Scripts - Import-Export Scripts for Mafia for 3DS MAX
- Blender 4ds Tools - Old addon for Blender
- MSDR CZ - Mafia Script & Data Reference in Czech language
- 3D Model List - Characters Model list in English and Russian, Model list in Russian
- Zanoza Modeler basics (Czech) - Basic Guide for Zmodeler v1.07b/c in Czech language
- Cutscene Guide (Czech) - Guide for In-Game cutscenes in Czech language
- BScriptView v6.0 Guide - Guide for BScriptView v6.0
- Model Implementation Guide - Guide explains how to take a model from any 3D program and place it in an empty scene
- Empty Mission - Empty mission, useful for creating new map or mission from scratch
- Mafia Script Helper 2 - Mafia Script reference in Czech and English, similar to MSDR
- Mafia Patcher - Mafia Patcher is an ASI plugin for Mafia for modifying certain hardcoded aspects of the game and its engine. Mafia 1.1 is not supported
- Mafia Script Extensions - Adds new Mafia Script commands
- OCX Modules - OCX Modules that some tools need to function and are missing from the archives
- Ultimate ASI Loader - ASI Loader is a modified .dll file for loading ASI mods, such ASI mods do not require the game having extracted .dta files
Contributions are welcome! Please follow our contribution guidelines to contribute to this list.
This list is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.