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AWS DevOps CICD Pipeline

In This Project, we are Developing and Deploying a video streaming application on EC2 using Docker and AWS Developers Tools.

  • CodeCommit: For Source Code Management

  • CodeBuild: For building and testing our code in a serverless fashion

  • CodeDeploy: To deploy our code

  • CodePipeline: To streamline the CI/CD pipeline

  • System Manager: To store Parameters

  • DockerHub: To store Docker Images in a Repository

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) for creating a Service Role

  • S3 for artifact storing

  • EC2 for Deployment

Clone this Repository

git clone

Project Architecture

Setting Up CodeCommit

  • Create a Repository

Create IAM User:

  • Go to the IAM console and create a user.

  • Click on Create User -> User details -> Next.

  • Add Permission for full access to CodeCommit.

  • Click on Create for the user.

  • Click on the user and go to the security credentials section

  • Now we are going to create SSH credentials for this user.

  • Go to the terminal and run this command

  • Keep all the default values.

  • Copy the public key using cat ~/.ssh/ Paste it into the security credentials, and SSH public key for the CodeCommit section, and copy the SSH key id.

  • Go back to the repository and copy the URL for the git connection.

  • Now run

cd ~/.ssh 
touch config
  • Host git-codecommit.*

  • User <paste the id of ssh key (can find after you paster your key in aws )-> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  • Now we can connect to this repo.

  • Run this command now

git clone <SSH URL>
  • Now copy all the content from my git repository to your code commit repository.

  • And do a git push.

Setting Up CodeBuild

  • Click on Create build project

  • Follow this steps

  • CodeBuild will need buildspec.yml to build a project.

  • The buildspec.yml file is in the repository root folder.

  • Also, This project will containerize so that select the Enable this flag if you want to build Docker images or want your builds to get elevated privileges.

  • In this project, we will build and push a Docker image to the DockerHub repository.

  • So, We need DockerHub credentials like Username and Password.

  • Also, we are using a free API to consume movie/TV data in this Project. TMDB.

Using AWS System Manager for storing secrets

  • Goto AWS System Manager dashboard.

  • Click on Parameter Store -> Create parameter

  • In Parameter details

Add DockerHub Username

Name: /myapp/docker-credentials/username

Type: SecureString

Value: Add Your DockerHub Username

Add DockerHub Password

Name: /myapp/docker-credentials/password

Type: SecureString

Value: Add Your DockerHub Password or secret token


Name: /myapp/api/key

Type: SecureString

Value: Add Your TMDB API key

  • Also, Add Permission in CodeBuild Created Role to assess Parameters from CodeBuild to System Manager

  • For this, Create an inline policy.

            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:ssm:*:{AWS Account ID 12 Digit}:parameter/*"

DockerHub Repository

  • Just for Test

  • Pull this Docker Image is locally using docker run -n netflix -p 8080:80 dhruvdarji123/netflix-react-app

Build Artifact store in S3 Bucket

In the CodeBuild console Click on Edit button -> Artifacts -> Type: “S3” -> put Uplode Location.

Create CodeDeploy Application

  • Create Application and Compute platform is EC2/On-premises

Create Service role (Give permissions -



3. AmazonS3FullAccess




Create EC2 instance

Click Launch Instances

  • Amazon Linux -> t2.micro

  • Also, Create a Service Role for EC2 to access s3 & CodeDeploy

  • Goto IAM Dashboard -> Create Role -> Service Role -> EC2

  • Add this permission

  1. AmazonEC2FullAccess

  2. AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy

  3. AmazonS3FullAccess

  4. AWSCodeDeployFullAccess

  • Give Role name -> Click on Create Role

  • Give This Service Role here.

  • Add this Script to the User Data section.

  • Or Just run it manually.

  • For Amazon Linux

sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user
sudo yum -y install ruby
sudo yum -y install wget
cd /home/ec2-user
sudo chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
  • For Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo install
sudo apt install ruby-full
wget cd /home/ubuntu wget
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

Create CodeDeploy Group

  • Create a CodeDeploy Group using the following Steps.

  • Click On Create Deployment

  • Start Deployment

Create CodePipeline

  • Step 1: Choose pipeline setting -> PipelineName > Service role

  • Step 2: Add source stage -> CodeCommit > RepoName > BranchName > Select CodePipeline periodically for changes(For automation)

  • Step 3: Add build stage -> BuildProvider > Region > ProjectName > Single build

  • Step 4: Add deploy stage -> DeployProvider > Region > AppName > Deployment group

  • Step 5: Review

CodeBuild History


CodeDeploy History


Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to work on this tutorial/labs. Let me know what you thought!

Author by Harshhaa Reddy

Ensure to follow me on GitHub. Please star/share this repository